To What Extent Should National Interest Be Pursued?
What is a national interest? Whatever can be considered a benefit to the people of a nation
National Interests can include (Reaosns why Nations and Nation- states pursue N.I):
Economic Prosperity stable employment decent standard of living Current Event Example?
Security and Safety national security secure borders protection of citizens Current Event Example?
Beliefs and Values language protection safeguard ways of life Current Event Example?
Foreign Policy and Domestic Policy Domestic Policy: Guides Decisions about what to do within the country Foreign Policy: Guides a countries decisions about official relations with other countries
Differing Perspectives on National Interests safeguarding the environment expanding land base and resources free trade national security humanitarianism immigration economic developmen t Pursuit of National Interests
Specific Reasons Why Nations and Nation-States will pursue National Interests?
Aggressive Reasons Idealistic Reasons Economic Reasons Defensive Reasons - racism/ethnic cleansing - retaliation/revenge - more territory -strategic reasons - to stop an aggressive nation/threatened - help an ally - strategic reasons - defend an idea (democracy) /religion - freedom/ sovereignty - resources/wealth - imperialism - more territory - freedom/ sovereignty - spread an idea (democracy) /religion - unify