Load Line & BJT Biasing
DC Biasing To establish a constant dc collector current in the BJT. Biasing is required to operate the transistor in the linear region. The DC bias point in i C -v CE plane should be such that maximum output signal swing is achieved. Ideally the I C and V CE in a biased circuit should remain constant. Practical circuit bias point is affected by the change in and temperature changes. Q point should be insensitve to variations in temperature and current gain beta.
Effect of Ideally the is considered as a constant value. (say =100) In practise, the precise current gain of each transistor is not known. The maximum and minimum values of the current gain can be obtained from the manufactureres data sheet. In designing BJT circuit max and min must be used to calculate the range of possible I c and V CE. So, change in results in change in operating point.
replace the capacitors with an open-circuit equivalent because the reactance of a capacitor for dc is ∞Ω The dc supply V cc can be separated into two supplies Fixed bias circuit DC equivalent Fixed Base Bias
Write KVL equation in the clockwise direction of the loop : +V CC – I B R B – V BE =0 Solving the equation for the current I B results : Base-emitter loop Forward Bias of Base-emitter
The magnitude of the I C is related directly to I B through I C =βI B Apply KVL in the clockwise direction around the indicated close loop results: V CE +I C R C -V CC =0 V CE = V CC -I C R C Recall that : V CE = V C - V E In this case, V E = 0V, so V CE =V C V BE =V B -V E Than V E =0V, V BE =V E Collector–emitter loop Collector-emitter loop
Determine the value of Q-point for this figure. Also find the new value of Q-point if change to 150.
Voltage divider bias
Step 1: The input side of the network can be redrawn for DC analysis. Step 2: Analysis of Thevenin equivalent network to the left of base terminal
Step 2(a): Replaced the voltage sources with short-circuit equivalent and gives the value of R TH
Step 2(b): Determining the E TH by replacing the voltage sources and open circuit Thevenin voltage. Then apply the voltage- divider rule.
Step 3: The Thevenin network is then redrawn and I BQ can be determined by KVL
Book Boyelstad Fixed bias circuit: section 4.3 page exmaple 4.1 Load-line analysis: page ,157. example 4.3. Voltage-divider bias: section 4.5 pages example 4.7.
Homework Problem 5 (a,b,c,d,e,g) and Problem 19 in Chapter 4 Book: Boylestad