Where did Israel get its name and where is the reference? What year and by who was Israel recognized as a nation?
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Israel and U.S. Rooted in the 2 nation’s shared values One of the most pronounced and consistent foreign policy values of the Am people.
Shared values Am. Have viewed Israel w/admiration bc they see Am heritage in Israel’s pioneering spirit and struggle for independence. Like the U.S., Israel is a nation of immigrants 100 nations Deep commitment to Democracy All citizens regardless of race, religion, or sex are guaranteed equality before the law Freedom of speech, assembly and press Free elections No constitutions but has adopted Basic Laws
Shared values cont. Education Highly educated 29 daily newspapers More books are published per capita in Israel than anywhere else in the world.
U.S. Israelis have looked to the U.S. for political inspiration, financial and military assistance and diplomatic support. How much $ does the U.S. give to Israel each year? Bc of this Am have viewed Israel w/special appreciation for its successful effort to follow Western Democratic tradition.
Israel 2 official languages: Hebrew Arabic
Jewish influence in early America A design for the official seal for the U.S. submitted by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams depicted the Israelites crossing the Red Sea w/Pharaoh in pursuit and Moses standing on the other side. Motto: “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”
Jewish influence cont. Liberty bell “And Proclaim Freedom throughout The Land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” Lev 25:10
Jewish influence cont. Hebrew was a prerequisite for early Am scholars. Universities required it in curriculum Yale’s insignia Urim V’Thummim
Urim and the Thummim Exodus 28:30 Aaron will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart. I Samuel 28:6 Not always a clear answer. Ezra 2:63 Determining the ancestry of the priests who returned from the exile. Not mentioned again
America’s support for Zionism Zionism- A national movement for Jews to return to their homeland of Israel. Supported since, colonialism, John Adams President Abraham Lincoln President Benjamin Harrison
The Balfour Declaration Lord Balfour sent a letter to Lord Rothschild British Govt would facilitate the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. President Wilson supported it. balfour-declaration
The Campaign for Partition Google: Roots of the US-Israel relationship Find the heading: A historical commitment to Israel Find your drawn President’s name and research his support of Israel Year? What number of President was it? His support of Israel