Eighth Meeting of the Virtual Laboratory Management Group - VLMG-8 Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology 9 – 13 May 2016, Bridgetown, Barbados Kathy-Ann Caesar Chief Meteorologist
Welcome to the Caribbean Introduction to CIMH Goals of VLMG 8 CIMH 2015
CIMH Situated in Husbands, immediately north of Queen’s College, the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) For 49 years has been the primary training and education facility for meteorological personnel in the Caribbean;. CIMH has resigned itself to not only training but also in the involvement in collative projects that would benefit the local and regional community Mission Statement To assist in improving and developing the Meteorological and Hydrological Services as well as providing the awareness of the benefits of Meteorology and Hydrology for the economic well- being of the CIMH member states. This is achieved through training, research, investigations, and the provision of related specialised services and advice. VLMG – 8
Caribbean Meteorological Organisation (CMO) CIMH 2015 CMO is the Caribbean arm of the WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGNISATION (WMO)
Caribbean Meteorological Organisation (CMO) 16 Member Countries Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda *, Cayman Islands*, Dominica, Guyana*, Montserrat, St. Kitts/Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago*, Barbados*, Belize*, British Virgin Islands, Grenada*, Jamaica*, St. Lucia*, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the Turks and Caicos Islands CIMH 2015 * National Forecast and Warning Offices 9 forecast offices ~100 forecasters
The primary functions of CIMH Institute are to: Provide facilities for the training of various categories of meteorological and hydrological personnel Operate as a centre of research in meteorology and hydrology and associated sciences Operate as contractors and consultants on various meteorological and hydrological projects Maintain a service for the upkeep, repair, and calibration of meteorological instruments Provide advice to participating governments on meteorological and hydrological matters Collect, analyse, and publish meteorological and hydrological data CIMH 2015
CIMH – WMO Centre of Excellence CIMH 2015
Regional Training Center Training began in1968 with a forecasting course More than 1500 students trained at the Institute in various branches of meteorology 200 have been trained in hydrology since Students from the sixteen member countries of the CMO, and from non- member countries such as the Bahamas, Suriname, and some African countries. CIMH 2015
Meteorology CIMH 2015
Online Courses Meteorology CMO Aeronautical Continuing Professional Development Online Course (AeroCPD)- restart in September 2016 Hydrology 1. GIS for Hydrological Technicians - Offered last year and to be updated for release again later this year 2. Flood Hazard Mapping - also offered last year and to be updated for release again this year 3. Introduction to GIS - About to be offered in May and being finalized for release CIMH 2015
Hydrology I Hydrological Technicians The duration of this course which commences in September annually is eight months. The level of this course is similar to that of the WMO Mid- Level Technician meteorology course. Hydrology Diploma This is an eighteen month course and is designed to allow personnel with several years experience to gain further knowledge in hydrology. CIMH 2015 Hydrological Technicians - Field work
Regional Instruments Calibration Centre CIMH 2015 Instruments Maintenance & Calibration Course Field installation in Dominica Recovery after TS Erika AMS installation
Regional Centre of Excellence in Satellite Meteorology RAMSDIS RAMM Advanced Meteorological Satellite Demonstration and Interpretation System The RAMM Advanced Meteorological Satellite Demonstration and Interpretation System (RAMSDIS) developed by the Regional And Mesoscale Meteorological (RAMM) team at CIRA, Colorado State University.RAMSDIS Satellite imagery centered over Barbados but also serves the Eastern Caribbean; CIMH 2015 The effort to introduce GEONETCast (GNC) Receiving System to the region supported by NOAA continues. Derived satellite products; training channel, etc. GNC relatively inexpensive; Can support operational data; Transfer of GOES – R data GEONETCast VisitView Regional Focus Group Monthly Weather Discussion across Latin America and the Caribbean;
Regional Climate Centre partnership Programme for Building Regional Climate Capacity in the Caribbean (BRCCC Programme) supported partnership between CIMH and 6 Caribbean climate sensitive sectors Currently in the demonstration phase Collaborators
Sectoral Focus: GFCS and BRCCC Programme The Vision of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS): to enable society to better manage the risks and opportunities arising from climate variability and change, especially for those who are most vulnerable to climate-related hazards. The GFCS has four targeted sectors: Agriculture & Food Security, Water, Disaster Risk Management (DRM), Health BRCCC Programme: Agriculture, Water, DRM, Health, Energy, Tourism The Focus on Tourism will make an original contribution to Climate Services globally
VLMG- 8 Why are we here? CIMH 2015
VLMG- 8 Why are we here? SUMMARY MEETING AGENDA Review of actions since VLMG-7 VLab office report - attending CoEs needs Review of CoEs reports - poster session and plenary Planning VLab Projects Review of Satellite Operators and Agencies reports - poster session and plenary Coordination for translation of major VLab training events Collaboration with Training Programmes - poster session and plenary Putting the VLab Strategy ( ) into practice - plenary and working groups Evaluation of training impact - plenary WMO Global Campus - status of shared calendar prototypes Conclusions and outlook CIMH 2015
VLMG -8 Procedures and Outcomes New VLMG Procedures Move away from the presentation/ listen format to a discussion format All reports are presented in poster forums Expected Outcomes Encourage participations CoEs and increase collaborations Review and implement the VLab strategy Develop a governance framework for VLMG, the co- chairs and TSO CIMH 2015
VLMG-8 Special Thanks Sponsors Building Regional Climate Capacity in the Caribbean (BRCCC Programme) Special Thanks CIMH Principal : Dr. David Farrell Project theme : Cedric Van Meerbeeck, Adrian Trotman; Sue Clinton; Cisne Pascal; Shireen Culbert Mr Dorson, Mr Judith King CIMH 2015