Humble ISD Test Security & General Testing Procedures Test Security & General Testing Procedures
Humble ISD
It’s the Law! Texas Education Code (TEC) Sec SECURITY IN ADMINISTRATION OF ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS. (a) The commissioner: (1) shall establish procedures for the administration of assessment instruments adopted or developed under Section , including procedures designed to ensure the security of the assessment instruments; and …
Humble ISD It’s the Law! Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 19. Education Chapter 101. Assessment Subchapter CC. Commissioner’s Rules Division 3. Security of Assessments, Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities 19 TAC § Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities to Ensure Validity, Reliability, and Security of Assessments.
Humble ISD It’s the Law! 19 TAC § (a)Purpose. To ensure that each assessment instrument is reliable and valid and meets applicable federal requirements for measurement of student progress, the commissioner of education shall establish test administration procedures and required training activities that support the standardization and security of the test administration process. (b)Test administration procedures. These test administration procedures shall be delineated in the test administration materials provided to school districts and charter schools annually. Districts and charter schools must comply with all of the applicable requirements specified in the test administration materials…
Humble ISD It’s the Law! 19 TAC § (b) Test administration procedures. Test administration materials shall include, but are not limited to, the following: (1)general testing program information; (2)requirements for ensuring test security and confidentiality described in the 2015 Test Security Supplement provided in this subsection; Figure: 19 TAC § (b)(2)Figure: 19 TAC § (b)(2) (3)procedures for test administration; (4)responsibilities of personnel involved in test administration; and (5)procedures for materials control.
Humble ISD Procedures for maintaining the security and confidentiality of assessments are specified in the following guides: –Test Security Supplement –District and Campus Coordinator Manual –Test administrator manuals Conduct that departs from the test administration procedures as established in these resources is considered a testing irregularity.
Humble ISD Test Security Objective Account for all secure materials before, during and after each test administration Protect the contents of all test booklets and student answer documents All rules and procedures are established to meet these two goals.
Humble ISD Highlights from the 2015 Test Security Supplement STAAR A –Train test administrators who are administering STAAR A on paper to use the non-secure front matter of the STAAR A test administrator manual posted on the STAAR A Resources webpage. –Do NOT use secure paper test booklets to train test administrators. –Reinforce that, unless authorized, no one may view secure testing material before, during, or after the administration. –Maintain time limits for administration. –Supply students with headphones, as needed.
Humble ISD Required Documentation Districts are required to keep testing records for 5 years. – Training Agenda/Handouts/Sign-in – Signed Oaths – Material control form showing the test administrators name and the range of books assigned. It must also have a signature for check in and check out – Statements and evidence concerning testing incidents – Statements for tests that were marked Other
Humble ISD Required Documentation Districts are required to keep testing records for 5 years. Completed seating charts for all rooms specific room location an accurate drawing test administrator(s) name(s) and time in/out of testing room Time/date the seating chart was used Testing program (STAAR, STAAR L, etc) and subject Student’s name and book number Student’s local ID number (secondary students)
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities Procedural Irregularities -reflect minor errors or deviations in testing procedures -do not represent severe breaches in security or confidentiality -Report the irregularity to the DTC by the end of the testing day -Submit documentation of irregularity on district paperwork -Reported to TEA by DTC
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities Serious Irregularities -constitute severe violations of test security or confidentiality -CTC must notify the DTC immediately -must be investigated by the DTC and reported to TEA immediately to inform test security of the incident -can result in the individual(s) responsible being referred to the TEA Educator Certification and Standards Division for consideration of disciplinary action
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities Serious Irregularities Conduct that constitutes a serious testing irregularity may include, but is not limited to, the following: -changing or altering an examinee’s response or answer to a secure test item; -providing, suggesting, or indicating a test question response; -aiding or assisting an examinee with a response or an answer to a secure test question; -identifying incorrect responses for students;
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities Serious Irregularities -solving questions in the test or scoring a student’s test; -duplicating secure test materials; -viewing a test before, during, or after an assessment unless specifically authorized to do so; -disclosing the contents of any portion of a secure test;
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities Serious Irregularities -failing to report to an appropriate authority that an individual engaged in any of the events listed above; -fraudulently exempting or preventing a student from the administration of a required state assessment; or -encouraging or assisting an individual to engage in the conduct described above.
Humble ISD Penalties for Violation of Security and Confidentiality of Assessments A person who engages in conduct prohibited by the Test Security Supplement and in other test administration materials may be subject to the following penalties: –placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas teacher certificate; –issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand; –suspension of a Texas teacher certificate for a set term; or –revocation or cancellation of a Texas teacher certificate.
Humble ISD Penalties for Violation of Security and Confidentiality of Assessments Release or disclosure of confidential test content is a Class C misdemeanor and could result in criminal prosecution under TEC § , Section of the Texas Government Code, and section of the Texas Penal Code. In addition, any irregularities in test security or confidentiality may result in the invalidation of student results.
Humble ISD Training Requirements Testing personnel are required to receive annual training in test security and administration procedures and to sign an Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality. Districts that elect to use noncertified paraprofessionals during the administration of a statewide assessment must assign a certified staff member who will be responsible for supervising them. In Humble ISD, we do not use paraprofessionals as test administrators.
Humble ISD Test Security Campus must ensure that only individuals permitted to have access to secure material and information have been trained and have signed the appropriate oath. Campus is required to implement the controls necessary to ensure throughout each stage of an administration the proper storage and accurate tracking of secure material.
Humble ISD Policy and Procedure Highlights Honor Statement - Applies to all STAAR EOC Assessments “By signing my name, I agree that I will not give or receive unauthorized assistance during the test. I understand that giving or receiving unauthorized assistance during the test is cheating and may result in the invalidation of my test results.” Test administrators for STAAR EOC are provided instructions for prompting students to complete the honor statement but are not required to verify that examinees have signed the statement. Student Cheating on State Assessments Cheating during the administration of a state assessment requires action by the campus or the district testing coordinator. If the district determines that a student has been involved in cheating on a state assessment, the district is required to invalidate the student’s test and complete the following steps: – invalidate the student’s test by marking the score code “O” for “Other” on the student answer document for the corresponding test. – submit irregularity documentation forms If the district determines that an irregularity occurred because adult testing personnel caused, contributed to, or did not detect the cheating due to an inadequate monitoring; and – complete the Locally Determined Disciplinary Action (LDAA) form to report any action taken against students
Humble ISD Immediate Family Members taking State Assessments Test administrators shall NOT administer a test if that test administrator is a parent to a child taking the same grade level/subject test. For example: A 4 th grade teacher at BBE has a child in 4 th grade at WCE. The 4 th grade teacher shall not administer the same 4 th grade STAAR tests his/her child is taking. That 4 th grade teacher could administer a test to a different grade level.
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities
Humble ISD Best prevention is training, training and more training Review 2015 Test Security Supplement Read all applicable administration manuals Web-based Texas Test Administrator Online Training Modules (updated for 2015) STOP, LOCK and CALL Any staff member with responsibilities for state assessment must view all three online modules.
Humble ISD Incident Reports ( Humble ISD) 2014 Incident Reports ( Humble ISD) Serious 0 Procedural 53 Serious 0 Procedural 53
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities Humble ISD: Eligibility – Student took wrong subject of EOC (ie - Biology instead of Algebra) – Non LEP student given TELPAS – EOC eligible student didn’t test IEP Implementation Issue – Student was given STAAR instead of STAAR Modified – Student was given STAAR Modified instead of STAAR – Student wasn’t given an oral administration per ARD Monitoring Error – Student submitted blank answer document. The test administrator didn’t catch it prior to turning in material to the CTC. – Students weren’t monitored properly during a break – 4 th graders wrote Day 1 response on Day 2 section of answer document (this happened several times at a couple of campuses)
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities Humble ISD: Procedure Error – Students were given too much time because the test administrator didn’t properly calculate an ending time of four hours. – Teacher didn’t announce time remaining every hour and then more frequently during the last hour – Two students with the same first name and last name were given each other’s test – Test administrator didn’t read any or all of the instructions in the TA manual. – The students didn’t write their name and/or book number (which is part of the directions read to them from the TA manual)
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities The types of serious testing irregularities reported by districts in 2014 to TEA include: –assistance, –unauthorized viewing or recording of test content, –discussing secure test content (including after testing has ended) –scoring/working students’ tests, –Tampering with student responses –falsifying TELPAS/STAAR Alternate data.
Humble ISD Testing Irregularities –Requiring the use of testing strategies, including rewarding students for using strategies –Cheating/receiving assistance with completing TELPAS qualification and calibration activities
Humble ISD Reporting Testing Irregularities As soon as a testing irregularity is suspected, please report it to your campus testing coordinator. You are required to submit paperwork regarding procedural and serious irregularities – Form for test administrator (or other individual who report the irregularity). This form is due to the campus testing coordinator by the end of the testing week. – Form for the CTC and campus principal to complete together. This MUST include a plan of action.
Humble ISD Reminders Avoid the Most Common Testing Irregularities –Read your test administrator manual. –For all secondary testing rosters, include ID numbers on testing rosters. Secondary test administrators MUST check student IDs and ask the student what their ID number is. The secondary test administrator must confirm that the name, and ID number match the testing roster. –Announce the time left to test in one hour intervals and frequently the last hour –Verify that students have recorded their responses on the answer document (in the correct space) or in the online form –Stop, lock and call if you have a question. –Account for all test materials immediately upon materials check-in –If pre-assigning test books on a roster, put a label with the student’s name on the test book. (Do not place a label on the “Student Name” line of the book). –Place a post-it note on sections of the answer document which will not be used during testing. (For example, on day 1 writing, place a post-it note on day 2 writing so that students won’t use that section of the answer document.
Humble ISD Procedures
Humble ISD March 2015 STAAR Assessments Administration Dates –March 30 Grades 4 and 7 writing (day 1) English I –March 31Grades 4 and 7 writing (day 2) Grades 5 and 8 reading –April 1 English II Makeups Completed by Thursday, April 2 nd.
Humble ISD April 2015 STAAR Assessments Administration Dates –April 20Grades 5 and 8 mathematics –April 21Grades 3, 4, 6, and 7 mathematics Grade 8 social studies –April 22 Grades 3, 4, 6, and 7 reading Grades 5 and 8 science Makeups Completed by Friday, April 24 th.
Humble ISD May 4-8: Algebra I, Biology, US History Makeups Completed by Friday, May 8 th. May 4-8: Algebra I, Biology, US History Makeups Completed by Friday, May 8 th. May 2015 STAAR Assessments Administration Dates May 12: 5/8 Reading (2 nd administration) Makeups Completed by Friday, May 14 th. May 12: 5/8 Reading (2 nd administration) Makeups Completed by Friday, May 14 th.
Humble ISD March 2015 STAAR Assessments Answer Documents for Grades 5 and 8 Reading –printed prior to the decision to shift the test administration date for grades 5 and 8 mathematics –labeled “March 2015 Mathematics and Reading” –contain sections for both mathematics and reading. Students should not mark any answers to the reading questions in the mathematics section. –Make sure students mark their responses to the reading questions on the reading portion of the answer document. You could put a “Post it note” on the section they shouldn’t record responses. Test Booklets for Grades 5 and 8 –include reading only
Humble ISD April 2015 STAAR Assessments Answer Documents – Will receive two sets of precoded answer documents for students in grades 5 and 8 –one set for the administration of grade 5 or 8 mathematics ( labeled “March 2015 Mathematics and Reading”) –one set for the administration of grade 5 science or grade 8 social studies and science –contain sections for both mathematics and reading. Make sure students mark their responses to the mathematics questions on the mathematics portion of the answer document.
Humble ISD April 2015 STAAR Assessments Test Booklets for Grades 5 and 8 –Districts will receive two sets of test booklets. –one set will contain mathematics only –other set will contain grade 5 science or grade 8 social studies and science
Humble ISD Make-up Testing Districts may offer make-up testing opportunities for all grades and subjects to students who are absent on regularly scheduled assessment days. Make-up testing must be completed by the end of the testing window as specified on the Calendar of Events. – STAAR exams given March 30 st - April 1 nd must be completed by Thursday, April 2 nd. Make ups for English I EOCs must be offered on March 31 st, English II EOCs must be offered on April 2 nd. – STAAR exams given April 20 th – April 22 nd must be completed by Friday, April 24 th. – STAAR EOC given May 4 th – May 8 th must be completed by Friday, May 8 th. There are NO makeup tests given for the exit level TAKS retest.
Humble ISD Start and Stop Times Distribution of materials and the reading of the boldface, scripted test administrator ”SAY” directions are not included in the time limit. The time period will start after the test administrator has read directions and tells students to begin working on their tests. Start time must be recorded on the seating chart. Students must record all Reponses before the end of the time period. They will not be given additional time to record their responses on their answer documents. Once the time period has ended, test administrators will instruct any students still testing to put their pencils down and close their test booklets or exit their online tests. Stop time for the test session must be recorded on the seating chart.
Humble ISD Announcement of Time Left to Test Communicate (orally or in writing) the amount of time left to test in one-hour intervals and, in shorter intervals during the last hour. Students who do not complete their tests within the time limit should submit what they have completed.
Humble ISD Breaks Students are allowed to take breaks during the administration of STAAR assessments. Some breaks are included in the time limit; others require the test administrator to stop the testing time for the group or for an individual student. Breaks are classified in two ways: Breaks included in the time limit (not allowed to stop the time clock): water breaks bathroom breaks snack breaks short physical or mental breaks Breaks NOT included in the time limit (required to stop and restart the time clock): lunch emergency situations that significantly interrupt testing consolidation and movement of students to another testing area medical breaks Test administrators should document stop and restart times when breaks are given.
Humble ISD Lunch Students may stop testing to take a supervised lunch. The testing time must be stopped for a lunch break and will restart when students resume taking the test. Stop and restart times must be recorded on the seating chart. Students must place their answer documents inside their test booklets so that all secure materials can be collected and placed in locked storage. If students are testing online, they must exit the test. Students must be monitored by trained testing personnel and are not allowed to discuss any test content during lunch.
Humble ISD Late-Arriving Students Students arriving late to school could test during that school day if time permits. Each student must be allowed four hours (five hours for English I and II) in which to take the test. Students who begin testing after others have started will have a later stop time. Late-arriving students must be kept aware of the time they have left to test.
Humble ISD Ready Seating Charts for Each Test Administration. Prepare Test Materials for Distribution Test administrators must ensure that the required materials are available on the day of testing. two No. 2 pencils with erasers per student one test book per student (paper testing) one answer document per student (paper testing) test administrator manual Student authorization forms (for online testing) If applicable: dictionaries and/or thesauruses; calculators; optional testing materials; supplemental aides Inventory all Secure Materials Issued and Initial the Materials Control Form Test booklets will be issued to test administrator and recorded on the Materials Control Form using the nine-digit security number printed on the back of each After you have verified that you have received the exact number of test booklets issued to you on the Materials Control Form, initial the “Out” box for the appropriate day. Your initials signify that you have received the test booklets assigned to you, as recorded on the Materials Control Form, and that you have signed your security oath. Monitor Testing Test administrators must actively monitor the testing room while students are working. Test administrators should confirm that students are working only on the subject-area test being administered that day and that they do not have access to non-allowable materials. Students should be reminded periodically to record their responses on their answer documents. A student’s responses must be recorded on the answer document within the four-hour time period. Test administrators may say, “Remember that you must record your responses on the answer document. Be sure to erase any stray marks that you might have accidentally made on your answer document.” However, test administrators may not view or discuss individual test items or responses. It is permissible to encourage students to stay on task. Students will not be permitted to record answers on the answer document after the time limit has ended.
Humble ISD Ensure Proper Testing Environment: No element of the testing room should hinder any student’s performance. The testing room should be quiet, well ventilated and comfortable. Each student must have enough space in which to work. A “Testing-Do Not Disturb” sign should be posted outside the testing room. Bulleting boards and instructional displays that might aid students during testing must be covered or removed. Any rooms to which students may be relocated must also be prepared. All desks or computers used for testing must be cleared of books and other materials not required for the test. A clock or stop watch must be available to monitor the time period. Each student should be sufficiently separated from other students to work without distraction. Ensure Proper Testing Procedures: Students are NOT permitted to have cell phones or electronic devices that allow for Internet access turned on during testing. These devices can disrupt the testing environment and could be used to compromise the security and confidentiality of the test. Also, these devices cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of the STAAR Dictionary Policy or the STAAR Calculator Policy. You are required to read the Humble ISD electronic use statement prior to starting any state assessment. A trained test administrator must be present in each testing room at all times. There must be at least one test administrator for every 30 students to be tested. Students must remain seated during testing except when they are acquiring or returning authorized reference materials or calculators. Students are not allowed to talk to one another while testing is in progress. Student’s should not be able to view another student’s computer monitor/answer document/book during testing. Will most likely require blinders put on sides/around computers. Prefer all students facing the same direction.
Humble ISD Monitor Testing Continued… For instructions for administering braille and large-print tests, refer to the General Instructions for Administering Braille and Large-Print Statewide Assessments document. Accommodations for extra time (same day) or an extra day are available for students who meet eligibility requirements for their use. For complete information about accommodations, refer to the Accommodations eCourse. If students with disabilities use accommodations during testing, ensure that the accommodations are available and prepared well before testing begins. Prior to the testing day, students should be made aware of the accommodations being provided. Emergencies If a school emergency arises that represents and actual or potential danger to students (such as a fire alarm), students should go quietly outside, following campus regulations for exiting the building. Collect Test Materials Some students may finish testing earlier than others. After their test materials have been collected, students may be allowed to quietly read or to leave the testing room. Before a student leaves the room, the test administrator must review the completed answer document to be sure the student has recorded answers as instructed. If the student has not done so and time remains in the four-hour time period, the test administrator must say, “You have not recorded all of your responses on the answer document. Please go back and mark your answers on it now.” The testing materials should then be returned so that the student may record his or her answers. Test administrators should quickly scan answer documents only to verify that responses are marked. Test administrators may not look at or comment answers to individual test questions or point out individually skipped test questions.
Humble ISD Answering Students’ Questions Test administrators may answer questions about test directions or procedures. Test administrators are never allowed to answer any questions related to the content of the test itself. If a student asks a question that you are not permitted to answer, you may respond, for example, “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.” Test administrators and campus personnel are not allowed to do the following unless specifically directed to do so by test administration procedures: translate test questions or passages (including the written composition prompt) into another language Rephrase or add information to questions or the prompt Discuss test questions with anyone before, during or after testing Score test questions or discuss with students how they performed Writing Tests – Ensure the procedures below are followed during the 4 th /7 th /EOC Writing Test For the written composition section, test administrators may not read the writing prompts aloud unless a student specifically requests that they be read aloud to him or her. Reading or discussing student compositions is not allowed at any time. 4 th /7 th grade test administrators MUST actively monitor to ensure that students are recording responses on day1 or day2 of the answer document. If students are typing responses, features such as spell-check and word predictability must be disabled unless the student is eligible for the spelling assistance accommodation. At no time before, during or after the administration of the test are test administrators permitted to assist students with their written compositions. The test administrator must not do the following: Elaborate on the prompts Give students an opening and/or closing sentence Give students ideas about how to develop their compositions Translate the prompts into another language (except sign language)
Humble ISD Complete Administration Process Account for all Test Books Make sure that the name of each student is hand written on his or her test booklet before you collect it. Confirm your responsibility for the following with your campus testing coordinator: Ensure that the Test Taken Info, Score Code and Accommodations (if applicable) fields on the student’s answer document have been completed using a No. 2 pencil. Verify that no students’ answer documents have been left inside the test booklets. Use a No. 2 pencil to transcribe the information from a voided answer document onto the answer document on which the student continued to test, if applicable. Use a No. 2 pencil to transcribe onto an answer document the responses of any student who tested with a braille or large-print test booklet, if applicable. Return Test Material to the Campus Testing Coordinator Immediately after each test session, the test administrator must return test materials to the campus coordinator. Test booklets and answer documents must be separated and counted. Return the following materials to your campus coordinator: Signed oath of test security and confidentiality Answer documents to be scored or scanned Voided answer documents Used and unused test booklets Typed or recorded materials, used scratch paper Immediately after each test session, the test administrator must return test materials to the campus coordinator. Your campus coordinator will verify that you have returned all test booklets assigned to you, as recorded on the Materials Control Form, and will then initial the “In” box.
Humble ISD Manuals 2015 STAAR Test Administrator Manuals Grades 3–5 Grades 6–8 EOC You MUST read the manual!
Humble ISD Highlights of the 2015 Test Administrator Manuals –separate scripts (sections) for STAAR L, STAAR A, and SOA
Humble ISD Highlights of the 2015 Test Administrator Manuals Test Administration Directions –internal Table of Contents at the beginning of the Test Administration Directions section
Humble ISD Highlights of the 2015 Test Administrator Manuals Guide to the Test Administration Directions –contains general information about using the scripts
Humble ISD Highlights of the 2015 Test Administrator Manuals Guide to the Test Administration Directions –emphasizes use of tutorials for students testing online –includes specific information about accommodations and oral administration that must be read by the test administrator prior to the administration of the test
Humble ISD Highlights of the 2015 Test Administrator Manuals Guide to the Test Administration Directions –describes special considerations for English language learners –reiterates that a test administrator must have training from the campus coordinator regarding oral administration prior to testing
Humble ISD Additional Manuals and Resources for the Student Assessment Program
Humble ISD Additional Manuals and Resources for the Student Assessment Program
Humble ISD Question & Answer?