1 Welcome / Introduction STCE workshop – BIRA-IASB/STCE, March 10-12, 2015, Brussels, Belgium STCE - Workshop Six years of SOLAR/SOLSPEC mission on ISS – Achievements and Prospects –
The Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE) Royal Observatory of Belgium Royal Meteorological Institute Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Structure (>60 researchers) : - Coordination - Research and modelling - Applications, Data & support -Instrumentation & Observations see: In 2007, the Belgian government has approved/funded the creation of the STCE in which the existing activities and expertise of the 3 Belgian federal institutes is re-grouped in a tight network. STCE Sun-Space-Earth STCE Sun-Space-Earth Plateau Uccle
Broad support – in house expertise Solar irradiance studies for climate change Participating in space experiment Measurement of solar irradiance Ground based solar instruments Advanced Technology for Solar Observations Optical laboratory facilities Solar UV index Internal support : Instrumentation & Observations
STCE: WP A.1 Measurement of solar irradiance A.3 Solar UV index The Sun's electromagnetic radiation activates photo-processes (dissociation, absorption, ionization) that are wavelength dependent. Main drivers in terms of composition, thermal structure and dynamics of the atmosphere. Importance of the top of the atmosphere and ground based measurements of the solar spectral irradiance. Goals : Activities : Contribution to the development and characterization of the SOLSPEC instrument. SOLAR/SOLSPEC mission. In orbit operations (ISS) and data processing. Ground based UV solar measurements in Belgium (web service, UV index)
STCE: WP A.4 Optic laboratory facilities Services for radiometric characterization of optical instruments and absolute calibrations. Goals : Activities : Contribution to the development, the radiometric characterization and absolute calibration of the SOLAR/SOLSPEC instrument. Characterization of instruments Spectral responsivity, stability, uniformity (flat field), straylight, linearity, wavelength calibration, angular response. Spectral range 200 – 4500 nm Absolute calibration (NIST & PTB radiometric scales). Spectral range 200 – 2400 nm
6 Goals & objectives of the SOLAR/SOLSPEC workshop The aim of this workshop is To shortly describe the SOLAR version of the SOLSPEC instrument, its development & calibration. To describe for the UV-VIS-IR channels, the first 6-years of the mission. Chronology, events, data storage, status of the instrument in space (stability, …) and to share experiences. Study To develop comparisons with other instruments and the demands from the atmospheric modelling. Planning of the next years of the SOLAR mission and future instrumentations.
Workshop Program 7 BIRA-IASB wireless Guest Network: Name: bira-visitor Password: WtK,YcnaWL
Workshop Program 8
10 Group Diner (19:00 pm - …) Relais St-Job Address: Place de Saint-Job 1, 1180 Uccle, Belgium (follow Tram 92: 500m distance) Apéritifs : de 4,5 à 9 € Option Vin (1/2 bouteille/pers) + eau plate et pétillante : de 11,5 à 23,5 € Café : 2,7 €