Pollution Slick Mapping Service Graham Glanfield and Tim Atkinson Tuesday 10 th November 2009
Fugro NPA Limited (FNPA) is an Earth Observation company based in the UK with 35 years experience. FNPA was previously The NPA Group, which was acquired in 2008 by the Dutch company Fugro. FNPA specialise in: - Imagery and data services - InSAR Surveying - Onshore oil and gas exploration - Offshore oil and gas exploration FNPA work with a range of global commercial clients and public organisations (including SpaceBel and ESA). Previous SSE projects include ESA QMASS and SSE NSI. Introduction
Fugro NPA & TREICoL (joint venture partner) were early pioneers in the use of satellite borne radar for detecting naturally occurring oil seepage. FNPA’s flagship product – The Global Offshore Seepage Database (GOSD) is a database of manually interpreted oil seepage/slick events. Project running since 1993 after funding from BNSC and a consortium of supporting oil companies. Project now more than 85% through an ambitious programme to screen all of the world’s offshore basins. Introduction
A by-product of GOSD has been the identification of pollution oil slicks that exhibit different characteristics to natural oil seepage. The FNPA oil slick database contains 63,000+ possible oil pollution slicks. Each slick includes an origin point & an outline (polygon). Pollution event re-construction - Use of optical, radar and meterological models - Repeat coverage allows the slicks to be traced back through time Infrastructure Monitoring - Ensure companies facilities are clean - Can also benchmark background pollution or natural oil before facility installed Introduction
Ships and rigs identified from imagery Those related to the pollution identified Allows environmental audits Can attribute blame to polluter with additional databases Pollution Slicks Polluting Ships Identified ships/rigs Historical Monitoring
Oil slick interpretation
Pollution Slick Mapping
Major oil companies have expressed a requirement for information relating to offshore pollution events for environmental benchmarking and monitoring. Interest has been expressed by oil companies but pollution information is relevant to public bodies (environment, coastal, maritime, civil protection agencies), academic parties and any individuals with vested interest in pollution monitoring (e.g. for insurance or legal purposes). There is a clear market for this service with the SSE providing the ideal framework to present this service online. Pollution Slick Mapping
The service exploits the ESA archive of SAR imagery and FNPA’s oil slick mapping service FNPA coverage map showing historical pollution slick centre points. Pollution Slick Mapping
Allows users to retrieve the 10 nearest observed pollution slick oil events to a given latitude/longitude point. Users can select point of interest by using portal’s AOI point tool or manually entering latitude and longitude. A valid address must be entered. Selecting RFQ returns information to user on whether point is within FNPA surveyed offshore region. User decides whether to proceed to Order based on RFQ result. On order submission, the user is directed to a FNPA secure payment page. On successful payment, the user will receive an instructing them of a url where they are able to download the pollution slick centre-points and outlines (as a zip file). This zip file contains industry standard KML and SHP file formats for inclusion in user’s own GIS. The Service Description
= FNPA surveyed regions Pollution Slick Mapping Service Opening screen
User’s (mandatory) Selected point using ‘AOI Point Tool’ Manual lat/long entry (optional) FNPA surveyed regions Pollution Slick Mapping Service Point selection
Pollution Slick Mapping Service RFQ
Pollution Slick Mapping Service Order
Pollution Slick Mapping Service Order
Pollution Slick Mapping Service Invoice details – (optional)
Pollution Slick Mapping Service Secure payment button dynamically created
Pollution Slick Mapping Service Online payment
Pollution Slick Mapping Service Payment confirmation page and
Pollution Slick Mapping Service Downloading data sets
Pollution slicks result Pollution Slick Mapping Service Viewing purchased slicks in Google Earth (KML file format)
Metadata Slick centre Slick outline Pollution Slick Mapping Service Viewing purchased slicks in Google Earth (KML file format)
Pollution Slick Mapping Service Viewing purchased slicks in a desktop GIS. QGIS in the example below (ESRI shapefile file format)
Security certificate error on live portal: Suggests untrustworthiness/unprofessionalism, especially when service provider is ESA. Especially relevant if user is paying, even if indirectly, as the Portal is acting as the front end. This has now been resolved by ESA. An additional testing page, specifically designed for the stylesheet, whereby xsl can be quickly uploaded and tested would be useful. Occasional problems with Portal loading the DEMIS backdrop. BPEL console useful, would be easier if accessible via IE7 and/or Firefox (this may have been resolved). Comments and improvements
Publicity Post this meeting, the service will be publicised on our website. OBS sales staff will demonstrate to relevant interested parties at oil industry conferences. The Future Service maybe extended to include natural oil seepage based on the success (or otherwise) of this service. Publicity and the future
Any Questions?