Alexander Zharov -Chef geologist ZAO “Rosneft- Shelf-Far -first president of local chapter Alexander Zharov -Chef geologist ZAO “Rosneft- Shelf-Far -first president of local chapter Alexander Savitsky -Chef geologist “Dalmorneftegeophysika”, -Current president of local chapter Alexander Savitsky -Chef geologist “Dalmorneftegeophysika”, -Current president of local chapter
2009 – idea of creation local chapter in Sakhalin 2011 – First Seminar – Energy potential of Far East 2012 – EAGE student lecture in Sakhalin State university Second Seminar – Energy potential of Far East is proposed 2009 – idea of creation local chapter in Sakhalin 2011 – First Seminar – Energy potential of Far East 2012 – EAGE student lecture in Sakhalin State university Second Seminar – Energy potential of Far East is proposed
-Young geology scale age of Sakhalin region; -Seismically, tectonic activity; -Mud volcanoes, earthquakes; - wide variety of natural recourses, such as coal, wood, fish and oil and gas; -Wide history of onshore geology exploration; -Young geology scale age of Sakhalin region; -Seismically, tectonic activity; -Mud volcanoes, earthquakes; - wide variety of natural recourses, such as coal, wood, fish and oil and gas; -Wide history of onshore geology exploration;
-Successful start of offshore oil and gas fields developing projects: Sakhalin I, Sakhalin II; -Planning of next offshore oil and gas fields projects: Sakhalin III, Sakhalin IV atc;
-License boundaries of researching; -Nor effective financial system of Government researching institutes; -Different of even Diametric points of view from different scientific schools
-Rosneft -Sakhalin Energy -Dalmorneftegeophisika; -Schlumberger; -Exxon Mobill; -GAzprom.
-87 specialists from almost 10 countries of the World (Norway, France, UK, USA, etc);
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