Choose 5 things which are important to you? What is important thing to you? What do you have to do on a daily basis? Do you do anything to show that you.


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Presentation transcript:

Choose 5 things which are important to you? What is important thing to you? What do you have to do on a daily basis? Do you do anything to show that you think about others? Do you make any sacrifices? Is there one place that you would definitely like to visit in your life?

The 5 Pillars of Islam LO: What are the 5 pillars of Islam? Why are the 5 pillars so important to Muslims? Which of the 5 Pillars do you think is the most important and why? Choose one of the learning objectives above. This will be your objective for this lesson – we will be coming back to it at the end.

Task You are going to be split into groups of 5. You will each be given one pillar in your groups. 1 person in your group is going to be given the role of an ‘expert’ who will act as a teacher and will stay at your station. The other 4 will be runners, who try to find out about each of the pillars. You will then bring all of your findings back to your original group and present them on an A3 sheet.

The 5 Pillars of Islam LO: What are the 5 pillars of Islam? Why are the 5 pillars so important to Muslims? Which of the 5 Pillars do you think is the most important and why?

The 5 Pillars Once you have all of your information, present them back onto the piece of paper provided. As a group, decide which Pillar you think is the most important and why.

5 Pillars 1.Shahadah2. Salah3. Zakah 4. Sawm5. Hajj

1. Shahadah Which pillar is the most important and why? 2. Salah 3. Zakah 4. Sawm5. Hajj What is the most important thing to you? What do you have to do on a daily basis? Do you do anything to show that you think about others? Do you make any sacrifices? Is there one place that you would definitely like to visit in your life?

The 5 Pillars of Islam LO: What are the 5 pillars of Islam? Why are the 5 pillars so important to Muslims? Which of the 5 Pillars do you think is the most important and why? Go back to your original learning objective and try to answer the question.

Homework Choose one of the pillars of Islam to research – add to the facts that you have already learnt today. You will need them for the beginning of next lesson.