Statistics: Foster youth are % more likely to fail a grade Approximately 50% of youth in foster care are enrolled in special education programs 60% of youth in foster care do not graduate from high school 25% of youth in foster care are homeless in the months after leaving FC at the age of 18: 34% end up on welfare 25% of males are imprisoned 20% of females give birth
Education Goals Goal 1: Youth are entitled to remain in their same school when feasible Goal 2: Youth are guaranteed seamless transitions between schools and school districts when school moves occur Goal 3: Young Children Enter School Ready to Learn Goal 4: Youth have the opportunity and support to fully participate in all aspects of the school Experience Goal 5: Youth have supports to prevent school dropout, truancy and disciplinary actions Goal 6: Youth are involved and engaged in all aspects of their education and educational planning and are empowered to be advocates for their education needs and pursuits Goal 7: Youth have an adult who is invested in his/her education during and after his/her time in Foster Care Goal 8: Youth have supports to enter into, and complete, postsecondary education
Education Law Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), Public Law McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act
DVD: Endless Dreams
Types of Assistance Available from the School System
WB2: Children receive appropriate services to meet their educational needs Rated as a strength if there is evidence the state has: Assessed child’s educational needs Provided services to meet needs Included school records in the case file In FC provided school information to foster parents at time of placement CFSR
Issues to Address to Improve Performance on WB2 Outcome
Activity What Can I Do?