Urban Planning: Profession, Education and Research Nurul Islam Nazem Department of Geography and Environment University of Dhaka and Honorary Secretary Centre for Urban Studies
Structure of Presentation Institutional setup for urban planning in Bangladesh Planning practices in the country Legal support for planning practices Planning Education in the country Urban planning as a profession Research on Urban Planning Future Direction
Institutional Structure for Urban Planning National Level NEC Planning Commission Physical Planning Division Urban Development Directorate Local Government Engineering Department
Institutional Structure for Urban Planning Local Level Development authorities (RAJUK, CDA, KDA, RTDA) City Corporations Municipalities
Other Institutions Special authorities PWD Private Sector National Housing Authority Department of architecture Private Sector (land development and subdivision, Market, industrial estate, parks etc)
Legal Support for Planning 1950 East Bengal Estate Acquisition and Tenancy Act (section 83) 1952 East Bengal Construction Act 1953 Town Improvement Act 1977 Paurashava Ordinance (given planning power); Changed in 2009. 1995 Environmental Pollution Control Act A number of recent policies
Urban Planning Practices in Bangladesh (Dhaka) 1917 Master Plan for Dhaka by Sir Patrick Geddes 1959 Master Plan for Dhaka (also by the British planner) 1980 Strategy Plan for Dhaka by the British planner (Not approved) 1997 DMDP Structure plan, Urban area plan 2010 DMDP Detailed area Plan
UDD and LGED 1978-82 National Physical planning project Human settlements approach with social, economic and physical goals (Bogra, Mymensingh, Comilla, Jessore, Bariasal) 1982-85 (Narsingdi, Sylhet, Rajbari, Rangpur, Jhenidah) 1982-90 Upazila Shahar planning 392 (40 by UDD) 50 District towns 2004-2011 Plans prepared for Barisal, Sylhet and Cox’s Bazaar and to teknaf
LGED 2007…Plans 23 District Towns and 223 Upazila Towns UPPR 30 cities and towns Governance for improved services Infrastructure Development in the towns Urban Sector Policy
Planning Education BUET: Urban and Regional planning Dept KU: Urban and Rural Planning Discipline JU: Urban and Regional Planning dept. KUET CHUET Pabna University (coming soon) Total 900-1000 planners in the country Required at 4000
Planning Profession BIP (1973) resumed activities in 1974 Present Members about 800 Practicing planners about 300 Development Authorities 40 UDD,LGED and others 50 NGOs and Donor agencies 50 Teaching and Research 80 Private sector 80
Role and Responsibilities of Professional Planners Proper education and training High degree of motivation and commitment Ethics Three Ps: Professional, politician and Patriot.
Planning Research Universities (since 1955) CUS (since 1972) Urban Studies Programme (DU),GURI BURF BUF Regional Planning Other organizations (such as BIDS, PPRC, CPD)
A New Approach to Planning Sustainable Urbanization Balanced Urbanization Ecological Urbanization Clustered approach to city development Rural Urban Integration Strengthening economic base and resource mobilization New approach to urban governance and Institutional Strengthening
Strategies Urbanization Policy National Urban Planning Act Decentralization Proper urban management / governance Focus should be given on: Efficiency Economy Equity Beauty Environment Culture Democratic participation
Ecological Urbanization Managing urban environment Making Balance between Environment and economic development Giving priority to health and education Using appropriate technology in urban physical and infrastructure development
Needs Urban information system and data observatory Institutional support Financial support Networking Good researchers
Many Thanks