UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC PLANNING Stakeholder Engagement Session with the Academic Senate 04/13/16
PROCESS HISTORY University Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) appointed in January Strategic Planning Website launched in March Online request for information from community through website open until April 25: see Stakeholder Engagement Subcommittees formed to collect input A: Students & Parents B: Faculty, Chairs, Deans and Other Academic Leaders C: Staff and Administrators D: Alumni E: Website Data Analysis
SUBCOMMITTEE B: FACULTY, CHAIRS, DEANS AND OTHER ACADEMIC LEADERS This subcommittee will use a variety of methods to collect information that the SPSC will use in formulating the plan. Input from Academic Senate, Deans Council, Associate Deans Council, University Council of Chairs Input from faculty via Town Hall meetings and focus groups Anyone can provide feedback via the online form at our website as well as through to
PURPOSE OF TODAY’S SESSION An initial step in planning process is to understand and characterize Cal Poly Pomona’s current state—what are its strengths, challenges, and areas of opportunity. Throughout our discussion, we also hope to hear about your aspirations for the university. The Strategic Planning Steering Committee will consider this input, along with a competitive landscape analysis to be developed at a later stage, to help determine strategic alternatives for the university.
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR TODAY We want you to be frank and open—no comment will be attributed to you personally. The more feedback provided, the better the data set the SPSC has to work with. This is data collection phase—we will not be reaching a consensus or outcome today. That will come later in the process.
DISCUSSION TOPICS Cal Poly Pomona’s areas of strength, which provide a foundation for continued emphasis Opportunities or challenges that can be addressed or taken advantage of strategically Our unique value proposition and forces in the higher education landscape that may influence our positioning Themes or mechanisms we could use to focus the alternatives we consider as a part of the strategic planning process
AREAS OF STRENGTH: Q#1 What does CPP do exceptionally well? Please write your thought on a sticky—place on big post-it--5 min 1 thought per sticky please Facilitators will collate responses into common groups—5 minutes Facilitators will report out—10 minutes
AREAS OF STRENGTH: Q#2 Of the things that have been described as strengths or things Cal Poly Pomona does well, which of these do we do better than other institutions and which do we do as well as other institutions, and indicate what institutions you were thinking of when you considered these strengths? Discussion—10 mintues—each response limited to 1 minute
CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES: Q#1 What are some of the concerns you have or challenges you think the university faces, either in your experience or what you hear from your peers? Please write response on sticky note and post—5 minutes Facilitators will report out comments—5 minutes
CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES: Q#2 If you could change one thing about Cal Poly Pomona, what would it be and why? Please write response on sticky note and post—5 minutes Facilitators will report out comments—5 minutes
VALUE PROPOSTION: Q#1 What does it mean to you to be at a polytechnic university? Please write thought on sticky and post—5 minutes Volunteers to share thoughts—5 minutes (1 minute per responder max)
VALUE PROPOSTION: Q#2 What is the value of polytechnic universities in higher education and do you see that changing going forward? Please share comments with us---10 minutes (1 minute max per response)
VALUE PROPOSTION: Q#3 Continuing to think about higher education broadly, what do you think will be the biggest difference in higher education compared to today in 10 years or more? Please share comments with us---10 minutes (1 minute max per response)
PRIORITIES AND ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: Q#1 If you were in a position to donate $10M to the university, what is the one thing you would want to see that gift applied to and why? Please write thought on sticky and post—5 minutes Volunteers can share thoughts--10 minutes (1 minute/responder)
PRIORITIES AND ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: Q#2 Is there anything you were hoping we would discuss but did not? Please write thought on sticky and post—10 minutes Report out if time allows…..
CLOSING On behalf of the SPSC and Subcommittee B—THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT TODAY Remember you can also provide feedback via the online instrument at the university strategic planning website