In this picture we see the World War I Victory Parade hailing the return of General John Pershing and his troops in Buffalo, New York, in 1919.
In this picture we see angry strikers throwing rocks to protest low wages and unfair labor practices in 1916.
Aftermath of a 1920 car bombing on Wall and Broad Streets, New York.
Alexander Mitchell Palmer, President Wilsons’s Attorney General, who was responsible for the country’s first “red scare”.
Vanzetti and Sacco listening to their death sentence in a Massachusetts court room on July 9, 1927
Marcus Garvey presiding over a meeting of his back-to-Africa followers in Harlem.
In this photograph, forty thousand members of the Klan march down Pennsylvania Avenue on August 8, 1925.
Clarence Darrow at the Scopes Evolution Trial, Dayton, Tennessee, July 1925
Economy: people against unions and strikes, feel communist influence Red Scare: people are suspicious of labor leaders and immigrants, people put in jail, executed Ku Klux Klan: “nativists”, spread hatred of blacks, Jews, Catholics, and foreigners in general. African Americans: pride, Harlem Renaissance of the arts/artists Women: right to vote in 1920 (19 th amendment), more women in workforce, college degrees