Agenda 1) Finish Hammuabi’s Code and Discuss (10 mins to finish) 2) Phon and Hebrews PPT 3) 10 Commandments v Hammurabi Homework NONE Next Class Egypt Test Either MON or WED
In Florida, unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can be jailed. It is illegal for a cab in the City of London to carry rabid dogs or corpses. In Oxford, Ohio, it is unlawful for a woman to appear in public while unshaven (This includes legs and face). Because, if you are caught, you can go to jail!
Phoenicians settled along the Mediterranean Sea and emerged as the most powerful Mediterranean merchants by 1,100 BCE. Included a collection of wealthy city-states (never united) that served as important trading centers. Byblos, Tyre, and Sidon
Phoenicians were known as excellent shipbuilders and seafarers Able to reach Britain to trade. First to sail through the Strait of Gibraltar and into the Atlantic Ocean. Some evidence that they were the first to sail around Africa. One of the great trading powers of the time in the Mediterranean Sea Traded wood, slaves, glass, iron, purple dye, hunting dogs Established trading colonies throughout the region - Carthage in North Africa.
Best known for the development of the first alphabet - used symbols to represent sounds. Introduced to colonies and trading partners around the Mediterranean Sea Helped make learning more accessible to all parts of society. Basis for the Greek and later the Roman alphabets.
The Hebrew homeland was Canaan between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Approx 1000 BCE Same general time as the Phonecians The early history of the Hebrews is found in the Torah - the first five books of the Bible (Old Testament).
Abraham Shepard from Ur in Mesopotamia God chose Abraham to be the father of the Hebrew people around 2,000 BCE. Told Hebrew people to move to Canaan Agreed to the covenant (holy agreement). Believed that God would protect them because Abraham promised his obedience in exchange for God’s protection Hebrew migrated to Egypt during a drought Were eventually forced into slavery. They fled Egypt between 1,300 and 1,200 BCE led by Moses - the exodus.
Read the 10 Commandments and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1) Is the 10 Commandments a code of laws? Why or why not? 2) What type of law code is it? How does that make it very different from Hammurabi? 3) How are the two different? 4) How are the two similar?
While wandering through the desert, Moses presented the a written code of laws to the Jewish people - the Ten Commandments. Serves as the moral and religious laws for the Jewish people: Proclaims God as the only god. Provides laws against murder, adultery, stealing, and lying. Viewed as a second covenant between the Jewish people and God.
Moses then led them back to Canaan where they established the kingdom of Israel. Became united and expanded territory and power.
In 900s BC the Great Temple was built to glorify God 586 BC Babylonians overtook Israel, Jerusalem, and destroyed the temple. The remaining Jews/Hebrews were forced to Diaspora (scatter) to other lands and were exiled again.
Unlike other early civilizations that were polytheistic (belief in many gods), Judaism is monotheistic (belief in one god). – God known as Yaweh. – Judaism was the first monotheistic religion.