Hitler and Nazi Germany Chapter 9 Section 3
Discussion Question What do you know about Hitler?
A. Hitler and His Views Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889 Grew up in a poor Germany Fought in WWI Racism and anti-Semitism were central to his ideas At the end of WWI, he decided to enter politics He joined a nationalist party known as the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, which he called Nazi, for short Within two years he was able to take control of the party and created a party militia known as the Storm Troops With this party, he tried to overthrow the gov’t, but was thrown in jail
B. Rise of the Nazis While in prison, Hitler realized violently overthrowing the Weimar Republic was not the answer While in Prison, he wrote down his ideas in book called Mein Kampf After his release, he worked to spread the Nazi party throughout Germany By 1932, the party had 800,000 members and become the largest party in the Reichstag, or German parliament Germany was in serious economic trouble at this time and people looked to radical parties for help Hitler promised to create a new Germany He held rallies all over Germany and people would go to hear him More and more gov’t officials looked to Hitler for leadership
The German people were afraid of a communist takeover German president Hindenburg allowed Hitler to become chancellor and create a new gov’t On March, 1933, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act -this law gave the gov’t power to ignore the constitution for 4 years to deal with Germany’s economic problems Hitler worked quickly to bring all German institutions under his control Germany was purged of Jews and democratic elements Concentration Camps were created for all who opposed the regime When Hindenburg died in 1934, he abolished the office of President All officers and soldiers were required to make an oath to Hitler as the Fuhrer or leader
C. The Nazi State, Hitler wanted to develop a totalitarian state He wanted to develop an Aryan racial state to dominate Europe and the world -Aryan is a term used to identify people speaking European languages He said that he wanted Germany to have an empire like the ancient Romans Nazis believed that two German empires or Reichs had already existed and they wanted to create the Third Reich
D. Nazi Education Beginning in 1933, Hitler completed renovated the German education system New Textbooks were written which glorified Germany and criticized different groups in society including mentally ill, handicapped, and Jews Children began each day with a pledge to Hilter All education was designed to make children completely obedient citizens and remove individuality Curriculum focused on discipline, physical education, and superiority of Aryans By 1939, all children ages had to be a member of the Hitler Youth or the League of German Girls
E. The State and Terror Hitler’s reign brought terror He created a secret police known as the SS and placed it under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler The SS used secret police, criminal police, execution squads, and death camps to terrorize citizens into submission Under Hitler the German econ. did get better Nazis encouraged women to stay home and bear children
In 1935, Hitler passed the Nuremburg Laws These excluded Jews from German citizenship Marriage of Germans and Jews was forbidden Jews were required to wear yellow star of David patches and carry id’s at all times On November 9, 1938, Nazis burned Jewish synagogues and destroyed 7,000 Jewish businesses This was called Kristallnacht Finally, under direction of the SS, the Jews were encouraged to migrate out of Germany