Root Cause Analysis DSST Special Education Teachers Copy of this presentation is at
Outcomes 1.Define Specially Designed Instruction 2.Gain a deeper understanding of how a Root Cause Analysis drives your instruction 3.Understand processing disorders and why they must be identified before developing SDI 4.Participate in a sample Root Cause Analysis
Specially Designed Instruction Specially designed instruction is defined as "adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction, (i) to address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability; and (ii) to ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children." (IDEA 2004)
Operational Definitions
Revisit Specially designed instruction is defined as "adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction, (i) to address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability; and (ii) to ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children." (IDEA 2004)
Specific Learning Disability
Hypothesize the Root Cause Hint: The root cause is one or more of the psychological processors that interfere with a child’s ability to read, write, listen, speak, compute or problem solve OR they received poor instruction
Reading SLD Number Past Year 2105 Students qualified for a basic reading SLD 2286 Students qualified for reading fluency SLD 2102 Students qualified for reading comprehension SLD
Reading SLD Number Past Year FluencyComprehensionBasicAll threeFluency and Comprehension Basic and Comprehension Basic and Fluency
Psychological Processors What is causing the problem? You must know this before you can design instruction.
Perception Introspection Memory Creativity Imagination Conception Belief Reasoning Volition or will Emotion Phonological Processing Orthographic Processing Processing Speed Language Processing Number Processing Visual Spatial Processing Grapho- Motor Processing Executive Functioning Reasoning
Analysis of the Data Root Cause
Fluency/naming speed and language comprehension Phonology and fluency/naming speed Phonology and language comprehension All three issues Subtypes of Reading Disability
Diagnostics Follow the clues to hypothesize the processing disorder
Fishbone diagram is used when…. … a team needs to study a problem/issue to determine the root cause. … a team wants to study all the possible reasons why a process is beginning to have difficulties, problems, or breakdowns. … a team needs to identify areas for data collection. … a team wants to study why a process is not performing properly or producing the designed results.
1) Draw the fishbone diagram 2) List the problem in the head of the fish 3) Label each bone with categories to be studied 4) Identify the factors within each category that maybe affecting the problem 5) Continue until you no longer get useful information 6) Analyze the results
Recommendations are linked to
Recommendation address…
Examples Poor Reasoning and limited working memory mastery based instruction Phonological processing Multisensory instruction, direct instruction in phonology
Development of Goals
Goals are linked to
Examples Orthographic processing -By (date), (name), will identify the 70 Orton graphemes/phonemes from (baseline) to (level of proficiency) in (under what conditions) as measured by a grapheme/phoneme assessment (by whom). processing speed -By (date), (name), will increase his/her oral reading fluency from (baseline) to (level of proficiency) in (under what conditions) as measured by an oral reading fluency curriculum based measure (by whom).
Least Restrictive Environment
Continuum of Services During IEP meeting when determining LRE always start with the general education classroom! General Education Gen Ed. with support Gen. Ed. with direct support outside classroom for targeted areas Pull out with intensive support Self Contained/cent er classroom Separate School Mild Moderate Services Center Based Services (MI, AN, DHH) Out of District Placement
Deep Look at Root Cause Examples of Assessment Tools to hypothesize processing disorder
Case Study Angie
Case Study 6 th Grade at a K-8 School Developed a reading problem SRI- 498 or 2 nd grade level CSAP Reading of Unsatisfactory SIT Read Naturally for 2 days a week Guided Reading Plus for 3 days a week Progress Monitoring Oral Reading Fluency – no progress after 6 weeks.
SPED GORT- showed she is at the 21%ile Program Manager Called the program manager and not sure what to do Review indicated a very poor BOE A BOE was developed
Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, Words their Way, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension (DRA/SRI and Critchlaw) Fluency (ORF, Fry and RAN) Rhyme: Oddity Task: Oral Blending: Oral Segmentation: Phonemic Manipulation: Short vowels: Consonant Blends with short vowels: Short vowels, digraphs, and trigraph: R-Controlled vowels: Long vowels spellings: Variant Vowels: Low frequency vowel and consonant spellings Multisyllabic words: Morphology: # of Orthographic errors on spelling: Site Words: Sight Words are spelled correctly ORF Rate: ORF Accuracy: # of phoneme errors on spelling test: Color naming RAN: Reading Level: GORT: 21%ile CSAP: Unsatisfactory DPS Benchmark (spring 2011) PP DRA Level 40 MAZE Passage: 38%ile Oral Language Vocabulary: Rosner Auditory Analysis: Reading Vocabulary:
RAN Norms Have the child name the colors on each page. Use a stopwatch to calculate the time it takes for them to name the colors. Add the RAN 1 and RAN 2 to determine a score. Total number of secondsGrade level >111< K K st grade nd grade rd grade th grade th grade th grade th grade th grade <409 th grade +
Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, Words their Way, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension (DRA/SRI and Critchlaw) Fluency (ORF, Fry and RAN) Rhyme: 11/12 Oddity Task: 12/12 Oral Blending: 12/12 Oral Segmentation: 23/24 Phonemic Manipulation: 12/12 Short vowels: 21/21 Consonant Blends with short vowels: 15/15 Short vowels, digraphs, and trigraph: 15/15 R-Controlled vowels:13/15 Long vowels spellings: 13/15 Variant Vowels: 10/15 Low frequency vowel and consonant spellings: 8/15 Multisyllabic words: 14/24 Morphology: Structural analysis 1/12 Inflectional Morphemes 11/12 Derivational Morphemes 0/12 # of Orthographic errors on spelling: 43% Site Words: San Diego 5 th grade level ORF Rate: 93.8 / 15%ile # of phoneme errors on spelling test: 57% Color naming RAN: 6 th grade level Reading Level: GORT: 21%ile CSAP: Unsatisfactory DPS Benchmark (spring 2011) PP DRA 40 MAZE Passage: 38%ile Oral Language Vocabulary: Rosner Auditory Analysis: 1 st Grade Leve l Reading Vocabulary: GORT Fluency: 16%ile 7 th Grade Level 5 th grade level Executive Function: excellent focus, initiates tasks, can shirt in midstream; no concerns with executive functioning Reasoning : excellent verbal and non-verbal reasoning Other: English is first language; no family history of reading problems; older sibling have no issues with academics; engaged family
Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with executive functi oning? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with Language Processing ? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with reasoning (e.g. cognitive below SS 85? Root Causes of Reading Difficulty Student has the ability to sustain focus when basic skills are automatic Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with processing speed? Student is able to learn through various methods (mastery, inquiry) yes no Is there evidence to suggest problems with phonological processing? Is there evidence to suggest problems with orthographic processing? yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no Prioritize the concerns 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.______________________________ 6.______________________________ Executive Functioning Concerns Reasoning Concerns Reading Comprehension Concerns Reading Fluency Concerns Basic Reading Phonological Concern Basic Reading Orthographic Concern Review Process again Name: ______Angie ________ Basic Reading Phonological Concern Basic Reading Orthographic Concern
Targeted Normed Assessment Just the phonological processing subjects not the rapid naming subtests 7%ile
Specially Designed Instruction Treatment
Informal assessments that suggest a Language Comprehension Disorder Reading Level Critchlaw Verbal Language Scales or Speech Language Assessment Core Written Vocabulary Screener DRA or SRI Relative level compared to grade peers Oral Comprehension Ability Comprehension of Written Comprehension
Interpreting Assessments to determine possible language comprehension concerns If then the child has reached target for oral language skill development the root cause of reading comprehension is likely due to another processing disorder.
Informal assessments that suggest a Naming Speed Processing Disorder ORF Fry Sight Words RAN Speed Accuracy Rapidly reads the words with out decoding Color or object naming Independent of words
Interpreting Assessments to determine possible processing speed ORF/FRY Sight Words FAST and ACCURATE: -expected outcome for a child with good reading skills SLOW and ACCURATE: -Possible processing speed issues SLOW and INACCURATE: -Possible processing speed issues and decoding issues (dual deficit) FAST and INACCURATE: -Possible decoding issues and misplaced in a reading fluency intervention Rapid Automatic Naming of NON – Words Below norm: possible processing speed
Informal assessments that suggest a Phonological or Orthographic Processing Disorder Phonological Processing Core Phonics and LETRS Morphologic Survey Words their Way Spelling Inventory Blevins PA Assessment Rosner Alphabetic Knowledge Determine Orthographic vs Phonological errors
Interpreting Assessments to determine possible phonologic and orthographic processing disorders Struggles with segmenting, blending and manipulation High number of phonological errors on a spelling test Cannot read non-sense words and multiple syllable words More and likely has a phonological processing disorder
You Do Case Studies Jesus Sam Savanna Jesse Dimetri
Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with executive functi oning? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with Language Processing ? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with reasoning (e.g. cognitive below SS 85? Root Causes of Reading Difficulty Student has the ability to sustain focus when basic skills are automatic Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with processing speed? Student is able to learn through various methods (mastery, inquiry) yes no Is there evidence to suggest problems with phonological processing? Is there evidence to suggest problems with orthographic processing? yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no Prioritize the concerns 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.______________________________ 6.______________________________ Executive Functioning Concerns Reasoning Concerns Reading Comprehensio n Concerns Reading Fluency Concerns Basic Reading Phonological Concern Basic Reading Orthographic Concern Review Process again Name: _____________________________
Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with executive functi oning? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with Language Processing ? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with reasoning (e.g. cognitive below SS 85? Root Causes of Reading Difficulty Student has the ability to sustain focus when basic skills are automatic Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with processing speed? Student is able to learn through various methods (mastery, inquiry) yes no Is there evidence to suggest problems with phonological processing? Is there evidence to suggest problems with orthographic processing? yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no Prioritize the concerns 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.______________________________ 6.______________________________ Executive Functioning Concerns Reasoning Concerns Reading Comprehensio n Concerns Reading Fluency Concerns Basic Reading Phonological Concern Basic Reading Orthographic Concern Review Process again Name: _____________________________
Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with executive functi oning? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with Language Processing ? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with reasoning (e.g. cognitive below SS 85? Root Causes of Reading Difficulty Student has the ability to sustain focus when basic skills are automatic Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with processing speed? Student is able to learn through various methods (mastery, inquiry) yes no Is there evidence to suggest problems with phonological processing? Is there evidence to suggest problems with orthographic processing? yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no Prioritize the concerns 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.______________________________ 6.______________________________ Executive Functioning Concerns Reasoning Concerns Reading Comprehensio n Concerns Reading Fluency Concerns Basic Reading Phonological Concern Basic Reading Orthographic Concern Review Process again Name: _____________________________
Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with executive functi oning? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with Language Processing ? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with reasoning (e.g. cognitive below SS 85? Root Causes of Reading Difficulty Student has the ability to sustain focus when basic skills are automatic Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with processing speed? Student is able to learn through various methods (mastery, inquiry) yes no Is there evidence to suggest problems with phonological processing? Is there evidence to suggest problems with orthographic processing? yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no Prioritize the concerns 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.______________________________ 6.______________________________ Executive Functioning Concerns Reasoning Concerns Reading Comprehensio n Concerns Reading Fluency Concerns Basic Reading Phonological Concern Basic Reading Orthographic Concern Review Process again Name: _____________________________
Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with executive functi oning? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with Language Processing ? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with reasoning (e.g. cognitive below SS 85? Root Causes of Reading Difficulty Student has the ability to sustain focus when basic skills are automatic Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with processing speed? Student is able to learn through various methods (mastery, inquiry) yes no Is there evidence to suggest problems with phonological processing? Is there evidence to suggest problems with orthographic processing? yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no Prioritize the concerns 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.______________________________ 6.______________________________ Executive Functioning Concerns Reasoning Concerns Reading Comprehensio n Concerns Reading Fluency Concerns Basic Reading Phonological Concern Basic Reading Orthographic Concern Review Process again Name: _____________________________