Transition Assessments About Transition Assessments How to find Transition Assessments How to give Transition Assessments Interactive Walkthrough
About Transition Assessments Definition Purpose Who does them Federal requirement Indiana requirement
O A Transition Assessment is the ongoing process of collecting data on a student’s skills, goals, and future plans for their life after high school. Definition
Purpose O The purpose of doing a transition assessment is to help identify what skills a student still needs to gain in order to become more independent after high school.
O Transition Assessments are for students with disabilities who are receiving special education services in schools. Who does them?
Quick Question O Do you know what age a student in special education have to do a transition assessment under IDEA? Yes No
According to the federal IDEA law O A student in special education must begin the transition process by the time the student turns 16 years of age IDEA Part B
Quick Question O Do you know what age a student in special education have to do a transition assessment under Article 7? Yes No
According to Indiana's Article 7 law "The CCC must develop a transition IEP that will be in effect when the student enters into grade 9, or becomes fourteen years of age, which ever occurs first, or earlier if determined appropriate by the CCC." Indiana Article 7
Summary O A transition assessment helps students who are age 14 or above begin to plan for their life after high school to become more independent
How to find Transition Assessments Go to the website Select a Domain Choose a grade level Choose a Disability area Browse Assessments
Go to the Website O To find transition assessments to use for your students, go to the Transition Assessment Matrix. This website was put together by the Indiana Northeast Cadre of Transition leaders and the Secondary Transition Resource Center. Go to the website
O Select a domain in the area that you want to asses the student Choose a Domain
Choose a Grade level O Choose the grade level of the student or students that you want to asses.
O Choose the area of eligibility that the student qualifies under Choose a Disability Area Disability Area Abbreviations
Disability Area Abbreviations Deaf Hard of Hearing Speech Impairment Autism Traumatic Brain Injury Other Health Impairment Orthopedic Impairment Multiple Disabilities Blind Low Vision Moderate Cognitive Disability Mild Cognitive Disability Language Impairment Specific Learning Disability Emotional Disability Deaf/ Blind Severe Cognitive Disability SLD ED MiCD MoCD SCD DB AUT OI OHI LI SI BLV DHH TBI MD
O Browse through a long list of transition assessments chosen for the student. Browse Transition Assessments
How to give Transition Assessments Choose assessments Give to student Assess the data Make goals Monitor progress
O Once you have looked through the possible assessments, choose three or four that you think will be most effective in assessing the student. Choose Assessments
O Explain the assessment and give it to the student to complete. If the student can not complete the form on their own because of their disability, the assessment should be complete by the parent or guardian. Give the student the Assessment
O From the data you should have a pretty good idea of the students current skills and their goals for the future. By looking at these two things, you can determine what skills need to still be improved. Assess the Data
O Make goals for the student that will get them closer to their desired outcome. Make sure the goals are also attainable and achievable in the time frame given. Make Goals
O As the year goes on, monitor how the student is doing on the goals. As goals become mastered, adjust them so the student can continue to improve and become more independent. Monitor Progress