ECE 2799 Term D2016 Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Prof. Bitar and Prof. Mazumder
ECE 2799 Objectives Understand the Engineering Design Process Solve a Real Design Problem Work Effectively in Teams Communicate Effectively in both Written and Oral Form Manage Project Scheduling and Finance Address Ethics, Reliability, Safety and Regulatory Concerns
This is Not Like Other Courses! ECE 2799 is run like a business and not like a typical ECE class There is a lot of research, writing and thinking required There is an emphasis on teamwork Most lectures will be non-technical There will be a LOT of time required outside the classroom
ECE Aspects of Design ECE 2799 covers ALL aspects of design, including: Problem Definition Market Research Customer Requirements Product Requirements Brainstorming Decision Making Presentations/Reports Business / Finance / ROI Schedule / Quality / Cost Tradeoffs Corporate Organization ECE Design Options / Tradeoffs I/O Specifications Standards and Regulations Liability Ethics Design for Manufacturability Schematic Diagrams and PCBs Intellectual Property Quality and Reliability And more…
ECE 2799 Personnel & Organizational Chart Design Team 1 Design Team 10 Design Engineers Redon Hoxha David LaPlante Sean Watson Design Team 11 Design Team 20 Design Engineers Dylan Baranik Denver Cohen Rebecca Dallorso Course Managers Prof. Bitar (Prof. Mazumder)
ECE 2799 Website Course Description Personnel and Contact Information Syllabus and Course Schedule Project Guidelines Project Descriptions and Team Assignments Technical Resources Sample Exams and Reports Academic Honesty Policy
Syllabus / Schedule Note Exam Days Note Lab (Design Review) Days Homework (Weekly Project Reports) Due Dates Final Design Review Date
Grading Policy Exam Component 45% of course grade 3 in-class exams, equal value, individual effort Project Component 55% of course grade 25% Weekly Team Reports & Final Report 20% Functional Final Project 10% Final Team Presentation (w/ individual evaluations) NOTE: To pass the course, you must pass BOTH the exam component and the project component !
Wednesday Design Reviews Attendance Mandatory! Design Reviews focus on guiding you through the process and on project management Your team will report out its progress to the other groups and to your Engineering Manager You will get feedback on your ideas, your progress, and your presentation skills
Doing Your Design You will work in assigned teams of three Design happens outside scheduled times Lab notebooks are a MUST Make use of the Senior Engineering Staff Plan on spending productive hours per week outside of class working on your design (maybe more toward the end!)
What Did Previous Students Say? An Anonymous In-Class Survey Conducted by Prof. Bitar Term D07, N=21 (returned responses) How many hours did you put into ECE 2799 each week, on average? Less than More than 25 0% 0% 29% 29% 42% How much did you personally accomplish in your project design? Almost nothing 0% A little 4% Quite a lot79% Essentially the whole thing17% Pick the phrase that best describes your teamwork experience this term Very negative Somewhat negative Neutral Positive Very positive 2% 5% 19% 41% 33%
What Else Did They Say? An Anonymous In-Class Survey Conducted by Prof. Bitar Term D07, N=21 (returned responses) Overall, how much did you learn from this course? Not as much as other course 5% Quite a lot84% More than any other course I’ve taken11% Pick the phrase that best describes your overall satisfaction with this course. Very unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied 0% 5% 9% 24% 62%
Two Last Questions If you had this to do over again, what is one thing you would do differently? Be more engaged/work harder Focus on teamwork issues Take a lighter load Start project work earlier Have better/more background Study differently/more for tests If you could recommend one change for ECE 2799, what would it be? More emphasis on project, less on the exam … Less course work or count it for more credit …
Important Advice DO NOT take this course if you are not ready for it Your partners will suffer You will suffer
ECE 2799 Prerequisites You must have taken and passed all of the ECE Basic Core courses: EE2010– Intro to ECE EE2022/2029 – Intro to Digital Circuits and Comp. Eng EE2111/2019– Physical Principles of ECE Applications EE2311 – Continuous Time Signals and Systems …and at least one Advanced Core course: EE2112 – Electromagnetic Fields EE2312– Discrete Time Signals and Systems EE2201 – Microelectronic Circuits I EE2049 – Foundations of Embedded Comp. Systems
What Happens Next? Fill out background survey before you leave today. Teams will be formed by tomorrow. Design challenge will be revealed tomorrow !. All meet in AK 233 this first Wed!
Regarding the Survey… Be honest… about the courses you have taken. We form teams based on the information you provide. Be realistic… about the level of commitment you are willing and/or able to give to the course. Disaster stories… Unfortunately, we have a few…
Academic Honesty Policy- Summary Any work you present as your own must represent your own understanding of the material! Following are some examples of acceptable and unacceptable actions under this policy. Please ask the professor, if you have an academic honesty question, Acceptable Discussing the Project idea and class notes/writeups with someone else to gain a better understanding. Partners dividing tasks. Checking with another group to see if your data makes sense. Looking at lab reports from previous offerings of the course to get an idea of the report format or content. Discussing a homework problem with someone else to gain a better understanding Looking at a similar problem from solutions of previous problem sets to get an idea of how to approach the problem Checking a problem solution (some assigned problems have solutions available on the textbook CDs) to verify the work you have done Unacceptable Copying material from someone else's project idea/writeups and presenting it as your own. One person does all the work; the other team member never shows up or makes minimal contribution. Putting someone else's name on a writeup when they made no contribution Using another lab group's data or writeup in place of your own. Using material from previous reports (data, discussions, etc.) and presenting it as your own. Copying material from someone else's homework solution and handing it in as your own Copying a solution from a previous homework set, and handing it in as your own Using the problem solution in place of work you should have done to gain understanding Read, Understand and Commit to Abide By the WPI Policy