Bell Work 1.) Study your Unit 1 test. It will help you with the curriculum check today. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Receive Clock Buddies. 3.Curriculum check (TEST) 4. Closure and dismissal Mrs. Cowling Tuesday September 29th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will be assessed.
Bell Work 1.) Look at page 107 in your book, answer the “engage your brain” question. 2.) Fill out the lesson vocabulary list on page 107 in your text book. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. What are some observable physical properties of matter. Textbook pages Introduction to matter song. Mrs. Cowling Wednesday September 30th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will classify matter based on physical properties.
Bell Work 1.) Complete your drawings for the yellow highlighted vocabulary words in unit 3. Add the drawings to the glossary. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. Good things. Matter Chatter. 3.Seek Clarification vocabulary groups. 4. What are observable physical properties of matter? Digital lesson. 5. Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Thursday October 1st TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will relate states of matter to temperature.
Bell Work 1.) Look at page 125 in your book, complete the “engage your brain” question. 2.) Fill out the lesson vocabulary on page 125. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. What are observable physical properties of matter? Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Friday October 2nd TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will compare solids liquids and gases based on their physical properties.
Bell Work 1.) Add a sentence in your glossary using the word Matter. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. iPad readers 3. Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Monday October 5th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will use text and graphics to learn about Matter.
After you have read me your sentence 1. Put your book up. 2. Sign for an ipad. 3. log into think central. 4. click on things to do 5. look for a blue link that says “physical properties of matter.” 6. put out a blue card.
Before we can leave 1.Take out your earbuds and put them back in the ziplock bag. Be sure to get the air out. 2.Put a book mark in your book. 3.Close the book window. 4.Click on log out. 5. Wait for Mrs. Cowling to check your ipad and then you will plug it back in. 6. Place your earbuds back in the class bag.
Bell Work 1.) Add a sentence in your glossary using the word “Volume”. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. iPad readers 3.Reader sum it up 4. Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Tuesday October 6th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will use text and graphics to learn about Matter.
Bell Work 1.) Read page in your text book Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. I spy 3. Solid Liquid Gas chart in journal 4. Summarize Ideas in journal on page Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Wednesday October 7th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will compare solids liquids and gases based on their physical properties.
Bell Work 1.) Read page in your textbook. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. Generate ideas paper sack 3. Compare game 4. Summarize spider web map in journal page Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Thursday October 8th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will compare solids liquids and gases based on their physical properties.
Bell Work 1.) Correct test if needed. Remember you must include a sentence telling me why the right answer is the best answer. 2.) Actively Read pages Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. Receive test back from Curriculum check. 3.Graphic organizer on page Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Friday October 9th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will relate the states of matter to temperature identifying freezing and boiling points of water.
Bell Work 1.) Actively Read pages Circle objects that conduct, underline objects that insulate. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. Turn in test corrections to the tray. 3.Complete the sum it up on page 120, turn in for a grade. 4. Work on the Word Play and Apply concepts on pages It will be due next Friday. 5.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Tuesday October 13th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will compare solids, liquids and gases based on their physical properties.
Bell Work 1.) Take the lesson 1 quiz. This is two daily grades. 2.) Don’t forget about crust and core. Homework is due Friday. Page Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Lab Inquiry “Does it Dissolve” 3.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Wednesday October 14th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will follow directions for an investigation to separate parts of a mixture.
Bell Work 1.) Actively Read pages answer the question on page ) Don’t forget about crust and core. Homework is due Friday. Page Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.What are mixtures and Solutions? Digital lesson. 3.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Thursday October 14th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will Compare and Contrast mixtures and solutions.
Bell Work 1.) Actively Read pages Underline the lesson vocabulary words each time they are used. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. Turn in homework pages Make sure your name is on it. 3.Complete the digital lesson “what are mixtures and solutions” 4.Brain check on page Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Friday October 16th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE The students will Compare and Contrast mixtures and solutions.
Bell Work 1.) Add a sentence in your glossary for the words MIXTURE & SOLUTION. Homework 1. Lesson 2 Quiz Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. Digital lab: How do Substances Change When They Form a Solution? 3.Read pgs when finished with lab 4.Homework: Lesson 2 Quiz 5.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Monday, October 19th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Identify change that can occur in the physical properties of the ingredients of solutions.
Bell Work 1.) Find page 139 in your textbook and write your name on it. 2. Turn in homework: Lesson 2 quiz Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2. LAB (p. 20 on flipchart) How Do Substances Change When They Form a Solution? 3.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Tuesday, October 20th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Classify matter based on physical properties including solubility in water.
Bell Work 1.) Finish lab questions on page 140 of your textbook. Lab paper due on Friday 23 rd. Homework 1. Begin studying for Friday’s test Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Review pages (small group/whole group) 3.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Wednesday, October 21st TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will review concepts learned in the unit on matter.
Bell Work 1.) Lesson 3 Quiz (daily grade) 2. Finish lab page 140 if not finished already Homework 1.Study for test tomorrow 2. Finish lab paper Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Review pages (small group/whole group) 3.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Thursday, October 22 nd TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will review concepts learned in the unit on matter.
Bell Work 1.) Review for test 2. Turn in lab page (if you haven’t already) Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Unit 3 Test (test grade) 3.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Friday, October 23 rd TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will demonstrate knowledge of unit content on a unit test.
Bell Work Describe the physical properties of the item on the rolling cart. Write this in your journal using a complete sentence including the term “physical properties”. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Scientific Method Lab Project: Solubility 3.Closure & dismissal Mrs. Cowling Monday, October 26 th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will describe the scientific method by using their lab on solubility.
Bell Work Describe the physical properties of the item on the rolling cart. Write this in your journal using a complete sentence including the term “physical properties”. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Journal Test (daily grade) 15 min 3.Review Unit 3 Test and strategies in pairs (15 min) 4.Finish lab project (20 min) 5.Closure and dismissal Mrs. Cowling Tuesday, October 27 th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will evaluate questions missed on unit exam.
Bell Work Describe the physical properties of the item on the rolling cart. Write this in your journal using a complete sentence including the term “physical properties”. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Pre-teach vocabulary 3.Textbook p. 149: Engage your Brain and Active Reading 4.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Wednesday, October 28th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will identify common forces.
Bell Work Describe the physical properties of the item on the rolling cart. Write this in your journal using a complete sentence including the term “physical properties”. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Text Video: studyjams: Force & Motion 4.Text Video: studyjams: Gravity & Inertia 6.Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Thursday, October 29th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will describe how varying the strength of a force affects the motion of an object.
Bell Work Describe the physical properties of the item on the rolling cart. Write this in your journal using a complete sentence including the term “physical properties”. Today’s Schedule 1.Bell work 2.Lab: “On a Roll” 3.Vocabulary: balanced & unbalanced forces 4.Text pgs Closure and Dismissal Mrs. Cowling Friday, October 30 th TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will demonstrate knowledge of unit content on a unit test.