Collaborating with obstetric, pediatric and nursing departments Lee Dresang (UW, FM) Cynthie K. Anderson (UW, OB) Emily Beaman (UW, CNM) April 2016 STFM
Disclosures Nothing to disclose.
Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Centering Pregnancy Program launched in May, 2014 Lead by Dr. Cynthia Anderson, OB/GYN Grant support from March of Dimes -3 years renewed funding Multidisciplinary from conception -OB, Family Medicine, Certified Nurse Midwives -Nursing/Medical Assistants -OB and Family Medicine Residents
Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Centering Pregnancy Rotating faculty from three disciplines facilitating sessions: OB, Fam Med, Midwives Family Medicine and OB resident participation in every group Rotating nurse/MA involvement from OB and Family Medicine clinics
Centering Pregnancy Site Family Medicine first floor OB/GYN second floor Family Medicine and Midwife clinic (down street) affiliated federally qualified community health centers -- ACHC
Barriers to implementing Centering Pregnancy Proprietary – costs money to purchase curriculum Time commitment for faculty, staff and patients New model – change is always hard for some Patient barriers – time, transportation, childcare
Barriers to multidisciplinary collaboration Coordination of recruitment Coordination of schedules from different clinics Delivery plans Postpartum follow-up Billing issues
Group Care Individual Check In & Vitals
Facilitated Group Discussion
Local Media and Outreach
Multidisciplinary Resident Training Interactive resident Family Medicine resident trainees OB & Family Med residents co-facilitate group sessions interactively Outcomes evaluation planned -Qualitative feedback from trainees Satisfaction with orientation, simulation Satisfaction with model of care Perceived enhancement to training Milestone mapping Added value of collaboration across disciplines -Tracking graduates who provide group prenatal care after graduation from residency
Future Continue to grow Centering collaboration Mixed methods outcome evaluation Health systems research across disciplines -Process -Health Outcomes -Cost Effectiveness -Trainee satisfaction, future service provision patterns Look to extend multidisciplinary collaboration in Centering to strengthen collaboration in other aspects of maternal-child health care services
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