Every Life Matters.... Donna Sherrill MM, RN NE-BC Director of Maternal Child Health
Physician Access In-house OB Senior surgeon New leadership positions Patient Safety & Quality Officer Chairman Chief Glen Dixon, MD Chairman of OB/GYN
Lack of Standardization Evidence based practice – policy and protocol development Multidisciplinary committee’s established Sharing of unblinded data David Acker, MD Director of OB Patient Safety and Quality 4
Physician and Nursing Collaboration Communication -Department meetings -Debriefs -Team civility -Safety rounds - Handoff - Glen Dixon, MD Chairman of OB/GYN Sue Petrosino, MSN, RNC-OB; NE-BC; Nurse Manager L&D 5
Physician and Nursing Collaboration Education -Simulation training -Skills fair -Standardized on-line fetal heart monitoring program -Baby Friendly - Glen Dixon, MD Chairman of OB/GYN Sue Petrosino, MSN, RNC-OB; NE-BC; Nurse Manager L&D 6
“Excellence is not a destination but a continuous journey that never ends.” – Brian Tracy 7
Contact Information Dr. Glen Dixon, MD Chairman of OB/GYN (781)