Introduction to Systemic Proces Consultation Team 16 Kaospilot Århus 30 & 31 August & 8 September 2010
Basic model for Systemic Proces Consultation Kis´ model
What is a process?
What is significant for a good process leader ?
Introduction to systemic thinking What is typical/ significant for a system?
A change/ a shift in basic understandings of the world From a positivistic to a systemic- constructivistic position Univers (there is one world which we can describe in an objective way. Measure, weight,explain)– one truth and universal principles Linear cause/effect discourse – the right solution Analyses and instruction of the right solution 1 st order cybernetic A system can be explained with out any relation to the obeserver Objective world out there Multivers (Social worlds are a symfoni of voices and different perspectives) – many truths and local solutions Circular a better solution/ a better patteren Dialogue and co-creation of meaning and a better future 2nd order cybernetic The principle of simultaneity ”Everything said is said by an observer.” While we communicate we create the reality
7 The story about the five blind men and the elephant Multivers
8 Autopoiesis Auto = self Poiesis = creation, poetic writing An self creation system We are closed communication systems Mental models (maps og landscapeds ) We understand on the background of our pre- understandings, logics and preconditions in our own autopoetic system The reciever decides
9 We are auto-poetic when we communicate We understand on the basic ground of our pre- understandings Every system acts perfectly according to its pre- understandings and logics. Humberto Maturana, 1992
10 Philosophy of life Epistemology Values Taste Hypothesis / assumptions Paradigm Theory Prof practice Techniques / tools Concrete practice / acting Our backsack = our logic = our world view The finest way to aknowldege is to be authentically interested in - and curious about - the significant other´s intention and effort !
11 Many logics and perspectives
12 Logics
13 Change Change can be created inside a system as a reaction on a disturbance from outside (Maturana) To create habitual /usual disturbance The system does not recognize anything To create an appropiate disturbance The system gets disturb and will change To create something too inappropiate The system will close itself around itself
14 Maturana on conditions for change CHANGE DEVELOPMENT LEARNINGS TiME Time to digest, reflect and rest To estabilish now connections between the new thoughts Integrate the new thoughts in the personal identity Test the new insights Establish unity about new actions Balance between dialogue and personal reflections Love Confirm the significant other´s right to feel or think what is right for her/him Support, care, positiv feedback in a certain extend so that the significant other creates courage. And so that he/ she feels that he/she is seen, heard, understood and worth something Search/ look for the fantastic, the unique, the beautiful, the magic in the significant other Appropiate disturbance Appropiate in size Qualitively appropiate SAppropiate in connection with the rest of disturbances in everyday life
THE THEORY OF DOMAINS Maturana; Lang m.fl The personal/ the estetic domain - values - ethics - Basic understandings / worldviews - meaningful The reflective domain - reflections - circularity - multivers The productive domain -Facts, unique hypothesis - linearity -proffesionalisme - the obvious / the simple - univers The limit of communication ”The limit of my lingvistic expression is the limit of my world Wittgenstein
16 The domain of production -Facts, unique truth - linearity -proffesionalisme - the obvious / the simple - cause/effect thinking -Univers - conclusions and decisions Qustions: Which work do You spent most time on? Who decides how to prioritze your time? How is toyr communication system running?
17 The personal/ the estetic domain - values - moral and ethics - Basic understandings / world views -meaningful -Beauty -Harmony - Compliance - I think… - I feel.. Qestions: - What is the biggest quality for You as a team? - What do you appreciate in your work ? - What satifies you most as a team member ? - What are you not satisfied about?
18 The reflective/ the many explainations domain -The truth as a subjective explanation - reflections - circularity - Multivers – equal stories - not taking part - Irreverence - Curiosity Questions: How can you learn from the good results already created ? What would your team leader, principal, other students say about your results? Hvad kan I lære af det, I gør, der skaber de gode resultater? Hvilke andre gode resultater vil jeres kolleger/kunder/andre pege på at I har opnået? The most important is to investigate and demonstrate how different positions and perspectives can contribute with revealing relations and connections – where some are important and other less important.
All true helping begins with being humble…… If One Is Truly to Succeed in Leading a Person to a Specific Place, One Must First and Foremost Take Care to Find Him Where He is and Begin There. This is the secret in the entire art of helping. Anyone who cannot do this is himself under a delusion if he thinks he is able to help someone else. In order truly to help someone else, I must understand more than he–but certainly first and foremost understand what he understands. If I do not do that, then my greater understanding does not help him at all. If I nevertheless want to assert my greater understanding, then it is because I am vain or proud, then basically instead of benefiting him I really want to be admired by him. But all true helping begins with a humbling. The helper must first humble himself under the person he wants to help and thereby understand that to help is not to dominate but to serve, that to help is a not to be the most dominating but the most patient, that to help is a willingness for the time being to put up with being in the wrong and not understanding what the other understands.