L102: Organizational Influence and Power
2 DIRECT ORGANIZATIONAL Developing Organizations STRATEGIC Individual – Technical OrganizationalPolitical – Community Leader Orientation LEADS DEVELOPS ACHIEVES CHARACTER PRESENCE INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY Leading Change Organizational Learning Leader Development Shared Understanding Culture and Climate Team Development Critical and Creative Thinking Extending Influence Developing Relationships Vision Ethical Alignment Organizational Resilience Organizational-Level Leadership Framework for Improving an Organization Organizational-Level Leadership Framework for Improving an Organization
L100: Developing Organizations and Leaders (AY 14-15) Leading Change Organizational Learning Leader Development Knowledge Management Culture and Climate Group/Team Development Critical and Creative Thinking Extending Influence Developing Relationships L103: Leading Organizations in Change (2) L109: Implementing an Organizational Vision (4) L101: Developing Organizations and Leaders (2) L106: Organizational Stress and Resilience (2) L108: Developing Ethical Organizations that Prevent Sexual harassment and Assault (2) L107: Building Organizational Teams (2) L105: Developing Learning Organizations (2) L102: Organizational Power and Influence (2) L104: Organizational Culture and Climate (2) Shared Vision Ethical Alignment Organizational Resilience ACHIEVES: Get Results LEADS: Leads Others—Extends Influence—Leads by Example—Communicates DEVELOPS: Pos Environ—Prepare Self—Develop Others---Steward the Profession “Improving while Operating” L111: Extending Influence through Negotiation Practice (4) L110: Extending Influence through Negotiation Theory (2)
4 TLO-CC-1 Action: Explain how field grade officers lead in the development of organizations and leaders to achieve results. ELO-CC-1.2 Action: Explain how leaders use the process of influencing to develop organizations. Condition: Acting as a leader at the strategic or organizational level in the current operational environment, using an organizational-level leadership perspective, principles and standards of critical thinking, references, case studies, practical exercises, class discussions, and the block exam. Standard: Explanation includes— 1.The relationship between power and influence and how this affects compliance and commitment; 2.The role of influence techniques in achieving compliance and commitment; 3.The process of applying appropriate behaviors and practices to influence others; and, 4.The use of emotional intelligence in influencing others.. Learning Domain: Cognitive Level of Learning: Synthesis JPME I Learning Areas Supported: 6a, 6b, and 6c Learning Objectives
Leadership 5 Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization. ADP 6-22
Ingratiation: The leader gives praise and acts friendly to make the follower feel special and think higher of the leader; negatively known as “sucking up,” it can be used to make good first impressions. Personal Appeals: The leader makes requests based on loyalty and friendship; these requests may highlight the subordinate’s special talents, abilities, or trustworthiness. Inspiration: The leader builds enthusiasm, conviction, and connects with the followers’ emotions. Can appeal to the personal pride. Participation: The leader gets the followers involved in planning, problem solving, change initiatives, and as appropriate, decision making. Relationship Building: The leader builds a solid relationship with his/her subordinates based on trust, dignified and respectful treatment, sincere caring and genuine concern. Consultation: This occurs when the leader asks the target audience how a mission should be accomplished, a task carried out, or a difficult change implemented. Influence Techniques Soft 6
Influence Techniques: Hard Coalition: These tactics are used when the leader asks for assistance or support of others in order to influence the target person. Legitimate Request: The leader can refer to their position as a source of authority; this implies the potential for official action if the request is not carried out effectively. Pressure: Explicit demands or even threats to achieve compliance; micromanaging; persistent checking and reminders; negative consequences are emphasized if the task is not completed. 7
Rational Persuasion: The leader uses facts, details, hard data, evidence, logical arguments, and explanations showing why a request is important. Exchange: Quid pro quo; “Do this and you will be rewarded!” Apprising: The leader explains why a request will be beneficial to a follower. Collaboration: The leader provides assistance and/or resources to carry out a task; there may also be a pledge of personal support which may go beyond normal command support. Influence Techniques: Rational 8
Circle of Influence and Circle of Concern Who or What can you Influence? Direct Control Indirect Control No Control Inspired by Covey: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People pp Influencing Techniques
Leadership Requirements Model How do the attributes and competencies associated with the LRM contribute to appropriate influencing techniques? “Leadership is influence.” Dr. John C. Maxwell 10
Compliance & Commitment Compliance & Commitment Compliance vs. Commitment Commitment: Dedication or allegiance to a cause or organization - ADRP Compliance: Conforming to a specific requirement or demand - ADRP 6-22 Change in behavior Change in thinking
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln Power 12
Power The capacity an individual has to influence the attitude or behavior of others POSITION POWER PERSONAL POWER Coercive Legitimate Reward Informational Expert Referent Compliance & Commitment Compliance & Commitment 13
Influence: The Application of Power POSITION POWER PERSONAL POWER Compliance & Commitment Compliance & Commitment Influence Techniques Hard Rational Soft - Coalition - Legitimate requests - Pressure - Ingratiation - Personal appeals - Inspiration - Participation - Relationship building - Consultation - Rational persuasion - Exchange - Apprising - Collaboration 14
Emotional Intelligence Self-Awareness: Knowing one’s emotions Self-Management: Managing one’s emotions Social Awareness: Recognizing emotions in others Social Skill: Handling relationships The application of influence techniques Critical for determining effective influence techniques 15 From Leadership That Gets Results, by Daniel Goleman, Harvard Business Review, Mar-Apr 00
Leadership Styles* Authoritative : Mobilizes people toward a vision “Come with me” Affiliative : Creates harmony and builds emotional bonds “People come first” Democratic : Forges consensus through participation “What do you think?” Coaching : Develops people for the future “Try this” Pacesetting : Sets high standards for performance “Do as I do, now” Coercive : Demand immediate compliance “Do what I tell you” * From Leadership That Gets Results, by Daniel Goleman, Harvard Business Review, Mar-Apr 00 Commitment Compliance 16
Coercive Legitimate Reward Information Expert Referent The Integration of Power and Influence POSITION POWER PERSONAL POWER Compliance & Commitment Compliance & Commitment Influence Techniques Hard Rational Soft - Coalition - Legitimate requests - Pressure - Ingratiation - Personal appeals - Inspiration - Participation - Relationship building - Consultation - Rational persuasion - Exchange - Apprising - Collaboration 17 Leadership Style Pacesetting Coercive Authoritative Affiliative Democratic Coaching Emotional Intelligence Social AwarenessSocial Skill Thought Process Application
18 Next Class L103 L103: Leading Organizations in Change (2) Readings L103RA: “Change or Die” by Alan Deutschman, (May 2005) Fast Company, Issue 94, page die.html [6 pages] die.html L103RB “Leading Organizational Change: A Leader’s Role” by Billy Miller and Ken Turner [7 pages]. L103RC: Yale School of Management article, “William Bratton and the NYPD, Crime Control through Middle Management Reform,” Yale Case rev. February 12, 2008 by Andrea Nagy and Joel Podolny [17 pages]. L109: Implementing an Organizational Vision (4) L101: Developing Organizations and Leaders (2) L106: Organizational Stress and Resilience (2) L108: Developing Ethical Organizations that Prevent Sexual harassment and Assault (2) L107: Building Organizational Teams (2) L105: Developing Learning Organizations (2) L102: Organizational Power and Influence (2) L104: Organizational Culture and Climate (2) L111: Extending Influence through Negotiation Practice (4) L110: Extending Influence through Negotiation Theory (2)