Let’s play…
Question 1
What rubbish bins should you have at home ? A red, green and yellow B purple, pink and orange C blue, brown and black D gold, silver and white
How many wheels does a normal bike have? A red, green and yellow B purple, pink and orange C blue, brown and black D gold, silver and white
Question 2
What do you use to stop your bike? A Snakes B Cakes C Lakes D Brakes
What do you use to stop your bike? A Snakes B Cakes C Lakes D Brakes
Question 3
To be seen on your bike in the dark, you need… A Bright clothes, reflectors and lights B Bright clothes only C Lights only D Dark clothes and no lights
To be seen on your bike in the dark you need… A Bright clothes, reflectors and lights B Bright clothes only C Lights only D Dark clothes and no lights
Question 4
Which types of transport are the healthiest? A Bikes and buses B Cars and trains C Bikes and walking D Helicopters and walking
Which types of transport are the healthiest? A Bikes and buses B Cars and trains C Bikes and walking D Helicopters and walking
Question 5
Which material were the very first bikes made from? A Wood B Metal C Plastic D Cardboard
Which material were the very first bikes made from? A Wood B Metal C Plastic D Cardboard
Question 6
Where is the best place to lock your bike? A To a tree B To another bike C To a metal stand D To a wooden fence
Where is the best place to lock your bike? A To a tree B To another bike C To a metal stand D To a wooden fence
Question 7
Which of these is another good way to keep your bike safe? A Leave it at a police station every night B Lock it up next to a police car C Ask a police officer to keep an eye on it D Ask the police to mark it with your postcode
Which of these is another good way to keep your bike safe? A Leave it at a police station every night B Lock it up next to a police car C Ask a police officer to keep an eye on it D Ask the police to mark it with your postcode
Question 8
Why is it a good idea to wear a helmet? A It will stop you having accidents B People will be able to see you better C It is the law D It will protect your head if you fall off
Why is it a good idea to wear a helmet? A It will stop you having accidents B People will be able to see you better C It is the law D It will protect your head if you fall off
Question 9
When should you let go of the handlebars of your bike? A Never B When you need to adjust your helmet C To show you are turning right or left D To show off to your mates
When should you let go of the handlebars of your bike? A Never B When you need to adjust your helmet C To show you are turning right or left D To show off to your mates
Question 10
Which of these signs means “Bikes allowed here”? A B C D
Question 11
What is the name of the charity that organises the Bike It project in schools? A Bike It B Oxfam C Sustrans D Save the Kittens
What is the name of the charity that organises the Bike It project in schools? A Bike It B Oxfam C Sustrans D Save the Kittens
Question 12
What does this sign mean? A Beware of motor vehicles B No motor vehicles allowed C Motor vehicles only – no bikes allowed D Motorbike stunt show in progress
What does this sign mean? A Beware of motor vehicles B No motor vehicles allowed C Motor vehicles only – no bikes allowed D Motorbike stunt show in progress
Question 13
Which of these is the name of an old fashioned bike? A Head Smasher B Leg Basher C Bone Shaker D Knee Crusher
Which of these is the name of an old fashioned bike? A Head Smasher B Leg Basher C Bone Shaker D Knee Crusher
Question 14
What is the cycle training course called? A Cycling Proficiency B Bike It C Cycleability D Bikeability
What is the cycle training course called? A Cycling Proficiency B Bike It C Cycleability D Bikeability
Question 15
When you are cycling on the road in normal traffic (secondary position), how far away should you be from the curb? A 1.5 – 2 metres B always exactly 1 metre C 50cm – 1 metre D As close to the curb as possible
When you are cycling on the road in normal traffic (secondary position), how far away should you be from the curb? A 1.5 – 2 metres B always exactly 1 metre C 50cm – 1 metre D As close to the curb as possible
Tiebreaker Fastest hand first!
Which of these is the Sustrans motto? A Get on your bike! B Ride for life! C Join the movement! D Healthy travel for all!
Which of these is the Sustrans motto? A Get on your bike! B Ride for life! C Join the movement! D Healthy travel for all!