Baseball Strength Training
Essential Questions Answers Question 1: What are the advantages of baseball strength training? You work all of your muscles. You gain speed. You gain flexibility (Burtt).
Question 2: What are the disadvantages of baseball strength training? Short workout periods. Risk of shoulder injury ("Baseball Batting Tips and Drills).
Question 3: What are the positive effects of baseball strength training? Question 3: What are the positive effects of baseball strength training? Protects your arm from injury. You work every muscle. Protects your arm from injury. You work every muscle. Theirs low risk of injury. Theirs low risk of injury. You gain hitting and throwing power ("Basic Weight Lifting for Baseball”). You gain hitting and throwing power ("Basic Weight Lifting for Baseball”).
Question 4: What are the negative effects of baseball strength training? Question 4: What are the negative effects of baseball strength training? High stress on shoulder and rotator cuff (Training Differences of Baseball Players versus Other Athletes by Coach Charles Slavik). High stress on shoulder and rotator cuff (Training Differences of Baseball Players versus Other Athletes by Coach Charles Slavik). Risk of arm injury Risk of arm injury
Question 5: What muscles does baseball strength training affect the most? Question 5: What muscles does baseball strength training affect the most?
Question 6: What are the medical advantages of baseball strength training?Question 6: What are the medical advantages of baseball strength training?
Question 7: What other sports is baseball strength training good for? Question 7: What other sports is baseball strength training good for?
Question 8: What equipment is best for baseball strength training?
CITATIONS Question1: /text/conditioning/strengthtraining/baseba llstregthtraining.htm