Safer Travel Workshop
Travel Safety Issues Tackling anti-social behaviour Making your journey safer
One in 20,000 journeys or once in 25 years (travelling twice every day) What does the outer West Midlands outline of the map represent? Can you identify the local authority area in which you live How many journeys per year286,000,000 How many reported1200 – 1400 incidents of antisocial or criminal. Behaviour each year Wolverhampton Walsall Dudley Sandwell Birmingham Solihull Coventry
SCENE SETTING How safe do you feel on the Bus or Train At the start of the session tick the box in the ‘Before’ column which most accurately reflects your feeling of safety on public transport. At the end of the session you will be asked to fill in the ‘After’ column BeforeAfter I feel very nervous on public transport even if I’m with people I know and trust I feel nervous on my own on public transport but better with my mates I feel OK, even on my own, on public transport but I always keep my eyes open How could anything happen to ME?
Identifying Issues List the potential issues that you may encounter when travelling by public transport
What is anti-social behaviour? “…behavior which causes, or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons …” (Crime and Disorder Act,1998). “…any activity that impacts on other people in a negative way” (West Midlands Police). “...conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to any person” (Anti – Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill). “….a range of everyday nuisance, disorder and crime...” (Home Office, 2011).
The Safer Travel Partnership
Who are the Safer Travel Partnership? The Safer Travel Partnership comprises Centro, the region's public transport co-ordinator, British Transport Police, West Midlands Police and transport operators.
What do they do? Reduce Crime and anti-social behaviour across the public transport network in the West Midlands Make passengers who use public transport feel safer
Intelligence Intelligence is gathered to identify areas of the network that may be vulnerable to crime, anti social behaviour and nuisance behaviour. A dedicated control centre is staffed 24 hours a day to spot and respond to incidents.
Over 1000 cameras at stations and on 99% of buses. 50 x 42” screens Staffed 24/7
Emergency Help Points
Reassurance High visibility patrols across network Cycle Surgeries to help members of the public make their bike more secure and prevent cycle crime Signs to warn about CCTV at bus stations. Recent signs at Dudley have resulted in reduction of complaints of ASB
Results of Reporting Antisocial Behaviour Around 15% of reported incidents of antisocial behaviour result in a positive identification of the person involved and lead to some sort of penalty being imposed. BUT All reports are analysed to provide intelligence to enable resources to be targeted to reduce incidents
‘Memory Man’
Operations ‘Operation Hay’ takes place in Dudley and targets students to make them aware of reporting incidents ‘Project Empower’ was created to increase the reporting of sexual assaults on the network as we believe many go unreported
Enforcement Patrols The Safer Travel Police team regularly conduct gateway checks and plain clothes operations across the public transport network. Recent enforcement at Dudley bus station to combat smoking and hand out fines
Punishment Restorative Justice – for first time offenders. Helps to raise awareness of the consequences of their actions Banning Orders, ASBO, CBOs Criminal prosecution
Terrorist Attack Very low likelihood The 7 July 2005 bombings are the only serious terrorist event in the UK this century Five people per year are killed by bee or wasp stings, the same amount, on average, of victims of terrorist actions in the past decade.
Terrorist Attacks The terrorism alert has been on severe since September If you see anything suspicious call 101 Be observant about left bags and report any you see to the bus driver Take care of your own bags –make sure you take them with you
Plan your journey in advance. Know where to catch your bus or train and where to get off. Use or google for journey planning information Check that you know the times of the last buses or trains. Have your ticket or money ready. When you enter the station or get on the bus have your ticket, pass or money ready in your hand and keep your purse or wallet out of sight. Make sure your bag is properly closed and that no-one can see your valuables, for example, your mobile phone.
If you are alone at night try to walk near other people and try to walk confidently – try not to look lost or unsure. If you are worried about your safety on the bus, sit close to the driver. If you are on a train move to a carriage where there are other people. Don’t sit in an empty carriage. Report suspect packages or behaviour. If you see any unattended luggage or bags report them to a member of staff or a police officer. Use See Something Say Something to report anti-social behaviour Report criminal activity to police on 999 or 101
Stage of JourneyHazard(s) Likelihood of happening SeverityHow could I be Safer List all stages of your journey to College. Include walking, waiting at stops/stations, public transport, cycling etc For each stage list all the possible hazards that you can think of 1 extremely unlikely 2 unlikely to happen 3 expected occasionally 4 can happen quite often 5 expected regularly 1 no serious consequences 2 inconvenience 4 minor injury 5 serious injury 6 death List the things you could do to reduce the likelihood or severity of the risk
Stage of JourneyHazard(s) Likelihood of happening SeverityHow could I be Safer List all stages of your journey to College. Include walking, waiting at stops/stations, public transport, cycling etc For each stage list all the possible hazards that you can think of 1 extremely unlikely 2 unlikely to happen 3 expected occasionally 4 can happen quite often 5 expected regularly 1 no serious consequences 2 inconvenience 4 minor injury 5 serious injury 6 death List the things you could do to reduce the likelihood or severity of the risk Walk to bus Stop Tripping on uneven pavement 24/5 Keep eyes open, don’t use mobile while walking, report faults to council “Being attacked15 Keep to open well lit areas, don’t show phone, keep alert, travel with others you know Waiting for busGetting cold41Remember coat “Being attacked15 Keep to open well lit areas, don’t show phone, keep alert, travel with others you know “Missing bus32Plan to catch the bus before the one you would need to arrive just in time
RECONSIDER SAFETY How safe do you now feel on the Bus or Train At the start of the session tick the box in the ‘Before’ column which most accurately reflects your feeling of safety on public transport. At the end of the session you will be asked to fill in the ‘After’ column BeforeAfter I feel very nervous on public transport even if I’m with people I know and trust I feel nervous on my own on public transport but better with my mates I feel OK, even on my own, on public transport but I always keep my eyes open How could anything happen to ME?
Thank You