Energy Transfer 14.2
Methods of energy Transfer Three ways energy is transferred: 1. Conduction- occurs between objects in direct contact. a. Objects are of unequal temperature. b. Thermal conduction- conduction of heat.
Methods of energy Transfer Three ways cont.: 2. Convection- energy transfer from movement of warm fluids. a. Ex. Heating air with a fire. b. Convection current- cycle of heated air rising then cooling and falling. 3. Radiation- energy transferred through electromagnetic waves. a. Ex. Sunlight
Conductors and Insulators Conductor- a material through which energy is transferred easily. 1. Ex. Metal cooking pans Insulators- a material that transfers energy poorly. 1. Ex. Home insulation, warm clothing
Specific Heat Define- amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance 1 K. a. Numbers are different because substances absorb energy differently. B. Examples: 1. Water- 4,186 c 2. Mercury- 140 c