Valloire Ski Trip March/April
ITINERARY – March 31st 7 th April :00 pick up at Sackville School, arrival 5 minutes prior to this would be advisable 08:20 Depart Heathrow terminal 5 on flight BA726 (no meal provided) 11:00 Arrive at Geneva airport Switzerland Afternoon – Lunch will be provided upon arrival at the resort After lunch – Students will be taken for fittings and collection of their ski equipment
Sunday 1 st April – 6th April Breakfast will be taken at the hotel Morning ski lessons start Morning ski lessons end – 13:30 Lunch at the hotel Afternoon lessons start Afternoon lessons end Dinner Evening activity
Saturday 7th April Breakfast in the hotel Depart hotel for Geneva Depart Geneva airport (flight no. BA727) Arrive Heathrow terminal 5 Please check airport information for updates on flight arrivals. Students will be dropped off at Sackville at APX 14:00
Activities during the day Skiing/boarding lessons daily for 4 hours We have been allocated three instructors exclusively for our school and students will be put in one of these groups depending on their ability and desire to ski or board Snowboarding – If numbers permit there will be a £30 surcharge for equipment hire
Activities during the day 3 groups APX 9 students per group Students must be of an equal ability to ensure maximum enjoyment is had by all This may mean everyone has to ski, as everyone will have an instructed group at the right level I will make a final decision based on what is best for the group No individual lessons will be possible as we wish to stay together as a school
Activities during the evening Bum boarding Ice Skating TBC Bowling Quiz Disco Pool/darts DVD (suitable age restrictions apply)
Emergency Contact details During School hours Out of school hours, a number will be provided prior to departure.
What Students will need Passport and European Health Insurance Card (formerly known as E111) Spending money Packed lunch for plane Some form of entertainment Small pillow Travel sickness tablets Suitable clothing and comfortable shoes Writing equipment TOWELS
What students are advised not to take Valuables – Jewellery, ipad, PSP etc. These items are brought at your own risk Mobile phones – if brought should only be used for emergencies due to cost. Possibly texting home is a better option
Money Most costs will be covered and all meals are provided. Spending money will only be needed for items such as snacks on the slope, gifts or some evening activities
Money Currency = Euro Quantity = £100 which will get you €120 Put money in sealed envelopes with your child's name, plus the day and date
Getting to the airport We will be travelling from Sackville on the B245 and will join the A21 North. At junction 5 we will join the M25 and will travel clock wise to junction 15.
In France/Switzerland HeathrowGeneva
The Route Geneva privately chartered Coach to Valloire apx journey time 3 hours
Supervision Students will be under the supervision of qualified instructors and Mr. Eccles at all times. There will not be the opportunity to do free skiing, regardless of ability.
Supervision In the evenings students will be have free time prior to their evening meal, but will not be allowed to leave to hotel unless permission is given by the party leader. Students must only go in groups of three or more
Supervision Evening activities will also be supervised. Risk assessments and insurance is covered for all activities.
Room allocation Whilst every effort will be made to ensure students share rooms with their friends the final decision on room allocation will decided by the party leader. Rooms sizes vary and accommodate 4 or 5 Students are not allowed to leave their rooms once curfew has been made. Curfew will be at the discretion of the teachers
What parents need to do by end of the meeting Ensure a copy of your sons passport and European Health Card (E111) has been provided Ensure the conditions of acceptance form has been signed Take a copy of this presentation
Behaviour We are ambassadors for the school Appropriate language Appropriate respect Follow instructions for your own safety Poor behaviour will result in phone calls home
Medication We must be informed of all medical requirements and conditions, of any medicines your son is taking with him and when and how often he needs to take them
Equipment The following must be worn at all times when skiing/boarding: Sun screen - essential Helmet - essential Gloves – essential Sunglasses or goggles - essential Other protection e.g. impact shorts, wrist guards There will be an additional surcharge to bring your own equipment. Please let me know if you intend to do this
Hoodies Skibound offer a service where students can have ‘trip’ hoodies made at a small cost. Estimated costs are APX £25 Please let me know if this interests you!
Additional charge Unfortunately Skibound have had to pass on an additional cost to our party of £13 per person. There is a letter explaining the reasons for this, with a payment return slip on it.
Thank you for your time Questions ?