Encouraging Innovation in Developing Affordable Housing Karen Perkins Housing Strategy and Enabling Manager NEDDC Helen Fairfax Principal Forward Planning Officer NEDDC NEDDC Housing Strategy Review Day Jan 2007
Workshop Aims To help us all share and learn from the wealth of good practice and experience here today To brainstorm around 4 key questions around Affordable Housing To look for productive ways of working together to deliver more affordable housing WELCOME
New Housing Strategy and Enabling Team Cross cutting approach (Corporate Strategic Housing Group at NEDDC) Working with a much wider group of partners, stakeholders, residents and the voluntary sector Building capacity, attracting funding Share ideas and joint working with others on innovative ways to commission and deliver more affordable housing, with or without Housing Corporation grant funding. Aiming to complement Council’s main priorities New ways of working at NEDDC
Reducing health inequalities Combating discrimination and disadvantage Improving the environment Making our communities safer healthier and more sustainable Developing a stronger local economy Supporting the Council’s Corporate Priorities 2007/10 Adding value through the development of more affordable housing
Know the type, tenure, density and affordability needed on allocated sites Plan for delivering on known sites To include challenging targets for Number of affordable dwellings Special needs housing Balancing the housing market See handout in pack Audit Commission Guidelines for excellence KLOE 2 :Strategic approach to Housing
PP3 planning guidelines state it is Social rented and intermediate housing for households whose needs are not met by the market Remains affordable for future eligible households Social rented by councils/housing associations Intermediate shared ownership/low cost home ownership/sub market rent What is Affordable housing ?
Our 2006 update showed needs increasing House prices increased 94% since 2002 Incomes increased only by 13% Terraced houses by 146% Flats by 208% Average house price is £151,000 Need average income of £33,000 to buy flat Only 6.2 % of concealed households earned over £29,000 pa in 2005/6 The District Housing market How affordable is housing ?
Increasing Average House Prices Table 7.3 Land Registry price changes (1st quarters) Area Bassetlaw£64,090£76,991£96,839£118,260£144,283£141,588 Bolsover£55,276£57,952£70,984£92,895£98,915£105,546 Chesterfield£65,827£70,070£82,982£106,077£125,634£131,708 North East Derbyshire£68,624£80,797£96,687£114,005£140,495£145,235 Northern£63,555£71,845£87,029£107,854£129,073£132,246 Northern (Sheffield & Rotherham) £64,872£72,958£89,362£107,975£125,158£133,658 East Midlands£77,740£98,973£112,712£132,908£149,107£150,502 England & Wales£120,365£133,703£156,451£166,259£183,529£192,742
Housing Needs Survey 2002 Housing Demand Study Housing Needs survey update 2006 Rural Housing Needs Surveys Draft Sub Regional Housing market assessment Proposals to improve our information on Housing need -by location -by type/tenure -by needs group All available on the NEDDC website How do we know how much housing is needed and where ?
Housing Needs Survey units p.a. Housing Needs survey update 2006 Total Affordable housing need (net of re-lets and right to buy purchases) is 442 units per year How much affordable housing is needed and where ?
Increasing elderly population to % increase in over 65’s +50% increase in over 80’s High demand for smaller units for young people, single people and couples High demand for Social Rented Housing High percentage of residents seeking to move, and those in concealed households have no other option than social rented housing % cannot afford to buy, 48-77% cannot afford to private rent How much is needed and where ?
12% of all households have a mobility difficulty High demand for smaller units for young people, single people and couples High demand for Social Rented Housing High percentage of residents seeking to move, and those in concealed households have no other option than social rented housing % cannot afford to buy, 48-77% cannot afford to private rent How much is needed and where ?
2005/6 RSL rented 18 RSL shared ownership 27 Total 46 units of affordable housing 2006/7 RSL shared ownership 17 RSL rented 11 Total 28 units of affordable housing 2007/8 Proposed 210 units including RSL rented, shared ownership and extra care mixed tenure scheme What are we currently providing ?
Delivering more for less (procurement) Making most of opportunities to lever in funding/land etc Building productive relationships with partners, at all levels Developing Housing Corporation pipeline schemes to attract Social Housing Grant Delivering schemes with no grant funding via mixed tenure/innovative funding Use of S106 agreements Key Challenges for the Council
Working with Voluntary and Statutory agencies to commission affordable schemes Maximising use of Energy saving features Using Telecare and new technology Making homes more accessible Providing supported housing in new schemes Sustainable development Some Key Challenges for NEDDC
Joint Working with neighbouring councils eg proposed Affordable Housing Forum Closer working with planners Using local good practice Working to support the NEDDCs objectives Health,Community safety etc Some Key Challenges for NEDDC
attend Derbyshire CC steering group on Housing and Care for Older People setting up Older persons steering group at NE consulting & delivering Action plan by July 2007 £1.9 SHG funding for mixed tenure Extra Care scheme at Dronfield Telecare pilot in this scheme Reviewing how Rykneld Homes meets the needs of its older customers looking to provide joined up services Update on Older Persons Housing progress in N E Derbyshire
Social Housing Grant funded schemes Non grant funded schemes New sites: council ownership New sites : private ownership Regeneration projects eg Clay Cross Town Centre development living over the shop Preventing Homelessness in the first place Opportunities 1
Making the best use of existing stock private/council Redevelopment opportunities with partners ALMO Estate regeneration ALMO best use of stock for future needs Almo Decent Homes repair work Creative use of S106 agreements REITs What else ? Opportunities 2
Please break into 4 groups Please work together to brainstorm and discuss the questions and complete the worksheets. Leaders will feed back 3 key ideas and approaches to general group Opportunities How do we make the most of them ?
All the comments from the workshop sheets will be collected and analysed They will inform our Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan We will be in touch to take forward good ideas See NEDDC website for the detailed report THANK YOU ! What happens next ?