Population Pyramids Key Idea: Key Words: Population structures change over time as represented on a population pyramid. Key Words: Dependency Ratio, Natural Increase, Natural Decrease, Infant Mortality, Birth Rate, Death Rate
What can you see?
A Population Pyramid Percentage of Population
Population in millions Population pyramids are used to show information about the age and gender of people in a specific country. Male Female There is also a high Death Rate. In this country there is a high Birth Rate Population in millions This population pyramid is typical of countries in poorer parts of the world (LEDCs.)
In some LEDCs the government is encouraging couples to have smaller families. This means the birth rate has fallen.
Population in millions Male Female Population in millions The largest category of people were born about 40 years ago. In this country the number of people in each age group is about the same. In this country there is a low Birth Rate and a low Death Rate. This population pyramid is typical of countries in the richer parts of the world (MEDCs.)
Population in millions Male Female Population in millions In the future the elderly people will make up the largest section of the population in this country. In this country the birth rate is decreasing. This is happening more and more in many of the world’s richer countries.
Population in thousands Male Female Population in thousands This country has a large number of temporary workers. These are people who migrate here especially to find a job.
Simple Shapes Dependency Ratio = Non-economically active/Economically Active x 100
Stage 1 – Small, remote tribes Short pyramid and narrow apex = short life expectancy. Sides narrow quickly due to high death rate and high infant mortality. Lots of under 15s = high birth rate Population in Millions
Stage 2 – Afghanistan Slightly higher life expectancy. Death rate falls.
Base narrowing – falling birth rate. Stage 3 – Brazil Sides less steep due to higher life expectancy and lower infant mortality. Base narrowing – falling birth rate.
Stage 4 – UK Low birth and death rates. High dependant population.
Stage 5 – Germany More middle aged than children = low birth rate. Aging population – high dependency ratio.
Drawing Population Pyramids Read the axis carefully and mark the ends of the bars accurately Check if the population is in millions or % Use a ruler Label male/female and country Use the same colour for the bars Make it neat
Tasks Make copies of the population pyramids from pages 178-179 of the textbook (one per page). Make notes on the shape and what it tells you about birth rate, death rate, infant mortality, dependency and life expectancy. From your sheet of problems – match the problems to your population pyramids. Using the pyramids on your desk – sketch the pyramid in your book, say what stage it is and explain what they show in terms of birth rate, death rate, infant mortality, life expectancy, gender balance, migration and dependants. Draw some sketches to show how the pyramids of LEDCs and MEDCs might change over time Answer the questions on pages 16-17 of New Wider World (finish for homework)
DO NOT EAT YOUR JELLY BABIES! How will you decide the winner? Jelly Baby Geography DO NOT EAT YOUR JELLY BABIES! Get into groups of six You each represent a country – give it a name and number yourselves 1-6. Divide the sweets up randomly so that each of you has the same number of sweets. Make sure 12 are left in the packet. The sweets are your population: Blue=Male Adults, Orange=Female Adults, Red=Male Children, Yellow=Female Children, Green=People aged over 65, Pink=Ethnic Minorities. Note down your population structure. Shuffle your chance cards and put them in the middle. Each person takes it in turn to take a card. You must do what is on the card. DO NOT EAT YOUR POPULATION IF YOU LOSE THEM – PUT THEM BACK IN THE PACKET! How will you decide the winner?