AP Physics: Unit 3 Circular and Gravitation Concepts Review and Practice Problems Mr. Pacton
Review Game Rules… Each Question is worth 2 points for a correct Response. You can switch your responses, so the last letter you click counts. The final Question(s) will be worth more than 2 points as indicated. The next slide is an example question for you to see how it works.
A clay ball is travelling in a horizontal circle at the end of a string as shown below. If string is cut at point X, which arrow shows the direction the clay ball will go? A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E
Enter Question Text A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant 0Adrianna 0Alan 0Donnell 0Jaclyn 0John 0Kaleb 0Kamryn 0Karson 0Keara 0Kwintyn
2. A bicycle tire of radius 0.4 m rotates 600 times in 800 s. The average tangential speed of the valve stem is A. 2.6 m/s. B. 1.9 m/s. C. 0.9 m/s. D. 4.2 m/s. E. 3.4 m/s. A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant 2Adrianna 2Alan 2Donnell 2Kamryn 2Karson 2Keara 2Miranda 0Jaclyn 0John 0Kaleb
_____ 3. A 2.5 kg ball swings in a horizontal circular path at the end of a string. The radius of the circle is 0.6 m and the tension in the string is 32N. The ball's tangential speed is A. 2.8 m/s. B. 3.7 m/s. C. 7.7 m/s. D. 4.4 m/s. E. 9.2 m/s. A.A B.B C.C D.D
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant 4Adrianna 4Kamryn 4Karson 2Alan 2Donnell 2Jaclyn 2John 2Kaleb 2Keara 2Kwintyn
4. A space station is in the form of a rotating wheel with a radius of 500 m. The acceleration at the rim equals 2 times the acceleration of gravity at the surface of the Earth. Which of the following is nearest to the angular velocity in RPMs (revs/min)? A RPMs. B RPMs. C RPMs D. 1.9 RPMs. E RPMs. A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant 4Adrianna 4Alan 4Donnell 4Kamryn 4Karson 4Keara 4Miranda 2Jaclyn 2John 2Kaleb
5. A car travels around an unbanked (horizontal) highway curve of radius 50 m. The coefficient of static friction is 0.6. The maximum speed that the car can travel without skidding is A m/s. B m/s. C m/s. D m/s. E. not enough information given. A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant 6Keara 6Miranda 4Adrianna 4Alan 4Donnell 4Kamryn 4Karson 2Jaclyn 2John 2Kaleb
6. A 2.5 kg block is placed in a bucket and whirled in a 1.4 m radius vertical circle at a constant tangential speed. If the force on the block from the bucket does not exceed 10 times its weight, the maximum tangential speed is A m/s. B m/s. C m/s. D. 8.7 m/s. E m/s. A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant 6Adrianna 6Donnell 6Karson 6Keara 6Miranda 4Alan 4Jaclyn 4Kamryn 2John 2Kaleb
7. A Ferris Wheel with a radius of 25 m is taken over by Mr. Pacton who then turns the speed up so that people feel like they weigh ¼ of their regular weight at the top. What is the new speed of the ride? A. 5.3 m/s. B m/s. C m/s. D. 9.8 m/s. E. depends on the mass of the people. A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant 8Keara 6Adrianna 6Alan 6Donnell 6Jaclyn 6Kamryn 6Karson 6Miranda 4John 4Kaleb
8. An Earth satellite moves in a circular orbit 5000 km above the Earth's surface. The period of the motion is 212 minutes. What is the acceleration of the satellite? The Earth's radius is 6,378,140 m. A.0.0 m/s 2 B.3.0 m/s 2 C.7.6 m/s 2 D.8.0 m/s 2 E.9.8 m/s 2 Response Counter
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant
9. A certain forest moon of the planet Endor (Mass = M E ) averages a distance r from the planet, and has a mass of m. Determine the tangential velocity of the forest moon in terms of these givens and/or universal constants. Response Counter
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant
10. (*6 point Question*) How many hours would it take the Earth to rotate if a person standing on a bathroom scale on the equator saw the scale read 1/3 her actual weight? The Earth's radius is 6,378,140 m. A.2.4 hours. B.2.1 hours. C.1.9 hours. D.3.3 hours. E.1.7 hours. Response Counter
Participant Leaders PointsParticipantPointsParticipant
11. (*12 point Question*) A pendulum with mass of 5 kg swings at the end of a 4.0 m long cable. It is released from a height 1.5 m above the lowest position of its swing. What is the maximum tension in the cable if this takes.66 s? A.5.4 N B.37.0 N C.22.0 N D.86.0 N E.49.0 N Response Counter
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