Pack your bags for Dscoop at drupa Eric Hawkinson & Lindsay Mitchell, Dscoop
Agenda Day-by-day About Germany FAQ Q&A
May 1 – Arrival at the Pullman ARRIVAL TO AACHEN THROUGHOUT THE DAY OPENING COCKTAIL RECEPTION 7:00 – 9:00PULLMAN HOTEL Check in with the front desk to receive your room keys and place a credit card on file for room charges and incidentals Check in at Dscoop at drupa desk (open from 2pm-9pm) for your badge, drupa passes and detailed agenda
May 1 – Arrival at the Pullman 5 star hotel Free Wi-Fi Breakfast included in room rate Fitness Center Currency Exchange
May 2 – Sightseeing Tours of Germany
May 3 – HP Innovations Day AMERICAS ORIENTATION Yishai Amir9:00 – 10:00 HP PRODUCT TOURS drupa showcase10:30 – 12:30 LUNCH drupa12:30 – 2:00 GAME CHANGING INNOVATIONS HP Exec Update – Jan Riecher, Alon Bar-Shany 2:00 – 3:00 TOUR DRUPA Segment tours *Survey Coming 3:00 – 6:00 HP PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS – GALA CELEBRATION Dinner & Cocktails6:00 – 11:00
May 3 – HP Innovations Day
HP Booth at drupa “Messe”
Saturday, May 5 & After Most of the group will depart today If you plan to attend the drupa fair May 5 or after, you can take the train from Aachen to Dusselfdorf You will need to purchase a pass to drupa if you plan to attend any day other than Thursday, May 3 & Friday, May 4 – Link to purchase additional passes available on
Airport transportation Getting to and from the airport: Train – Cost effective method (12-20 euro each way) – Short taxi from the Aachen train station to hotel Taxi – There are taxi queues at all airports that do not require advanced bookings
To book a town car/limousine or van, Dscoop recommends *All info shown available at FromToUp to 3 people (Towncar/ Limo) Van (up to 7 people) Booking Instructions Cologne/Bonn Airport Aachen€110,00€130,00Join the taxi queue at the airport or call to reserve in advance Düsseldorf Airport Aachen€150,00€175,00Join the taxi queue at the airport or call to reserve in advance Frankfurt Airport*** Aachen€380,00€440,00***If flying into Frankfort, a public train can be taken for approximately €80,00 each way
About drupa What: Largest printing equipment show in the world When : Held every 4 years How Long : May 3-16, 14 days Who : Expected 450,000 attendees ,044 attendees 1,953 exhibitors 44 acres of exhibit space
About Germany Capital: Berlin Population: 81.8 million Calling Country Code: +49 Currency: Euro, € Time Zone: CET/CEST (UTC+1/+2) Los 12pm9pm in Germany+9 12pm8pm in Germany+8 12 pm7pm in Germany+7 New York 12pm6pm in Germany+6
About Germany Weather: In April and May, when wildflowers brighten meadows and fruit trees are in bloom, it can be mild and sunny. Temperatures range from 41 to 65 °F for the month of April and May, with humidity averaging around 80%. Electricity: Outlets in Germany generally accept 1 type of plug - two round pins Depending on the power of your device, you may need a voltage convertor
Money Exchange If you wish to exchange money, you can do so at any bank, where you can also cash in your traveler's checks. ATMs are available in many parts of Germany, however be aware you may be charged for cash withdrawals. Most credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express) are accepted. Some places impose a minimum purchase amount (typically 10 euros) for card payments. We advise checking with your bank to understand any foreign fee’s they may charge. If you plan to use a credit or debit card, make sure to alert your bank you will be traveling internationally.
FAQ When will I have my hotel reservation? – You should have received this information. If you have not, please contact Do I need to book my own flight? – Yes, all attendees are responsible for their own flight and transportation to/from the airport Do I need a passport? – All attendees traveling from outside Europe are required to be in possession of passports valid for three months beyond the period of your intended stay. Do I need a visa? – There are 39 countries that do not require a visa to visit the EU for three months or less. These include Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States.
FAQ Who should I contact if I need to update my hotel reservation? – Please send an to What should I wear each day? – On May 2 (sightseeing day), wear comfortable shoes and clothes. Jeans are acceptable. – May 3 & 4, business casual is requested.