Wednesday, November 5th 1.Review tonight’s homework 2.Roots review activity 3.A Christmas Carol Anticipation Guide 4.Around-the-room sign-the-scale 5.Anticipation Guide Knee-to-Knee
Thursday, November 6th 1.Review tonight’s homework 2.Roots quiz 3.SoW#8 mini-lesson and review 4.Around-the-room sign-the-scale 5.Anticipation Guide Knee-to-Knee
Label each personal pronoun as subjective, objective, or possessive (pd. 2) 1.When he took her doll, it made her angry. 2.His eagle was watching me as I walked down the street. 3.I was watching him eat my last piece of cake. 4.I love him and his shoes. 5.I ran to my bus stop with my backpack on my arm as my books fell out.
Label each personal pronoun as subjective, objective, or possessive (pd. 4) 1.I glanced at his sister as she ran over to me screaming. 2.I saw it when I was walking down the street, her big dog running straight towards me. 3.I gave him a flashlight when the power was out and I told him to keep it, so it became his. 4.I decided to go to Brazil, and you didn’t even show up to my going-away party! 5.He gives me pictures of tiny dragons that make my binder look fancy. 6.I took him to my intergalactic portal that leads to the cure for maleficence.
Can you figure out what’s wrong with each of these sentences? Me and Dinna got along well. Them and Jen went on a group date. Her and her family liked me a lot
Correct Pronoun Usage Dinna and I get along well. They and Jen went on a group date. She and her family liked me a lot.
ANSWER Some speakers may mistakenly use an object pronoun– me, her, him, them, or us– in the subject position of a clause when mentioning more than one person. Yet they use the correct pronoun when only one person is used. If you are unsure of which pronoun to use, try restating the sentence with just one pronoun at a time.
Can you figure out what’s wrong with each of these sentences? I had a good feeling about she and I. Something good is happening between he and I.
ANSWER Conversely, some speakers use subject pronouns in the object of the preposition location.
PRACTICE Me and my friend My friend and me My friend and I He and I Him and me Me and him are going to spend a month at the beach next summer. have known each other for a long time
PRACTICE We met in elementary school when our teacher broke up a fight between Jack was a funny guy. There are a lot of good stories about me and him him and I him and me us and our classmates we and our classmates our classmates and us
‘Clud/Clus’ Roots Review Directions: 1.Place the appropriate root vocabulary word in the blank of the matching sentence. 2.Check your answers. 3.Switch color sets with a partner and complete the second set. 4.Check your answers. 5.What questions do you have?
A Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol Anticipation Guide Objective: To consider my views related to particular questions and themes that I will read about in A Christmas Carol as a way to more closely engage with the text.
A Christmas Carol Anticipation Guide Directions: 1.Read and consider the 10 statements. 2.Rate the extent to which you agree with the statements using a number from = Strongly Disagree10= Strongly Agree 3. Write down 2-3 specific reasons why you believe what you do. What is your evidence? What is your reasoning? Avoid numbers 4,5, & 6. BE DECISIVE
Anticipation Guide Knee-to-Knee Activity Rules: 1.Teacher will choose a student from each side of the issue. 2.The two students will square off, knee-to-knee. 3.Each student will offer one reason or piece of evidence to support his/her position, switching back and forth until both participants have offered their 2-3 good reasons. 4.Teacher will declare the winner based on the quality of the examples/reasons/evidence given.
Anticipation Guide Knee-to-Knee Activity Debrief: What did you think of this activity? What was challenging? In what ways have your views about a topic changed as a result of this activity? What surprised you?
What do you know about this character? Write down your ideas on the back of your Anticipation Guide