Healing Foods JoEllen DeNicola NE Nutrition Director Ceres Community Project
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Healing Foods Kitchen Gratitude and Love Whole Food Plant Based Diets Digestion & the Immune System Four R’s Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Regenerate
Ceres Community Project ©2012
AICR findings: No single food or food substances can protect you against cancer. But scientists believe that the right combination of foods in a predominantly plant-based diet may. Evidence is mounting that the minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals in plant foods interact to provide extra cancer protection. This concept is called synergy.
Ceres Community Project ©2012 More AICR findings : …vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans are low-energy-dense, low calorie foods and probably protect against weight gain. According to the Second Expert Report, experts believe that weight gain – particularly obesity and overweight – are implicated in the development of cancer. Eating a predominantly plant based diet can help prevent weight gain and therefore protect against those cancers whose risk is convincingly increased by higher body fat (namely cancers of the colorectum, esophagus, endometrium, pancreas, kidney, and breast in postmenopausal women).”
Ceres Community Project ©2012 SOUL Foods Seasonal Organic Unprocessed Locally grown Shopping list: Fresh vegetables & fruits, nuts and seeds, sea vegetables, grains, legumes, free-range grass- fed meats, wild caught fish, free-range eggs and organic dairy
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Create delicious meals
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Digestion & the Immune System
Ceres Community Project ©2012 GALT Protection Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue makes up 60% - 80% of the TOTAL IMMUNE SYSTEM! Protects the body and the GI tract from unwanted microbes, infections, toxins. Works within the mucosal environment of the gut. However, chronic inflammation due to constant assault of the gut can cause tissue damage
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Remember the Four R’s 1.Remove inflammatory foods, pathogens such as parasites, toxins, allergens 2.Replace digestive resources that are inadequate such as enzymes and minerals 3.Reinoculate with Pre & probiotics from live cultured foods 4.Regenerate the digestive/immune system (supplements)
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Remove the Insults Inflammatory Foods such as processed foods, white flour, white rice and sugars, chemical additives, food allergens Unhealthy fats such as transfats Table Salt replace it with Sea Salt Pesticides or other environmental toxins Unhealthy pathogens and parasites
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Replace Digestive Resources Enzymes Fresh cultured foods, raw foods, supplements Minerals Sea vegetables, fresh vegetables, grains Vitamins Fresh produce Healthy Proteins lean animal products if you use them
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Reinoculate Introduce healthy microbes: Probiotics like L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium from kefir, yogurts and other cultured foods. Prebiotics like rice fiber and asparagus or sunchokes feed the probiotics! Alternatively use a supplement to get your probiotics
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Regenerate Supplements may be necessary to support gut regeneration L-Glutamine NAC Phosphatidylcholine
Ceres Community Project ©2012 What should I do to protect myself?
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Create Healing Meals “AICR recommends that at least 2/3 of your plate should be vegetables and fruits.” Plan delicious plant based meals for the week: Seasonal fruits & vegetables Whole grains and legumes Nuts and seeds Sea Vegetables Organic, grass-fed meats Wild caught fish Green Power foods Herbals teas
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Foods do Fight Cancer Beans Berries Cruciferous Vegetables Dark Leafy Greens Vegetables Flaxseed or Chia Seed Garlic Red Grapes or Grape Juice Unprocessed Soy – Cultured/fermented is good Tomatoes Whole Grains
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Reduce Chemical Exposure Baking Soda and White Vinegar Bon Ami Eco-Friendly unscented house cleaners: Seventh Generation, Meyers… Essential Oils Re-think your skin, hair and make-up products
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Relax
Ceres Community Project ©2012 Many Blessings!