Year 10 Cheesecake– Speciality Foods Project. FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Starter What is your success criteria in todays lesson ? Discuss with your neighbour for 2 mins, write on scrap paper then feedback to class.
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the series of lessons pupils will be able to make cheesecake and use gelatine. Pupils will know the skills they have used and developed – making a biscuit base, using gelatine, combining ingredients, modifying a basic recipe, using decorating techniques eg piping, feathering. Pupils will understand how this product is a speciality range and link it to the project and design brief. FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the series of lessons Most pupils will have self assessed, had a digital image taken and received a GCSE making grade for this product. Some pupils will have applied learning from the previous project and improved their working at grade. All pupils will have learnt learn new skills and new knowledge and understand what a speciality food product is. FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Design and make a speciality food product which could be sold in a major retail outlet. FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Cheesecake is a speciality product... Why? How ? When ? Who ? Where? FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Ingredients Cheesecakes: Fridays lesson bring: 50g Caster Sugar, 50g Margarine, 100g Digestive biscuits, small food bag. A container/ flan dish to serve the product in. Mondays lesson bring: 200g soft cheese eg philadelphia NOT dairy lea, 2 eggs, 100g caster sugar, 1 small tin of fruit in fruit juice eg mandarin oranges, 125mls double cream, 12g gelatine. Tuesdays lesson bring Decorations for cheesecake. Remember to weigh out before the lesson. You can modify the recipe, be creative ! FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Method Cheesecake: Fridays lesson. 1.General preparation, organisation and hygiene. 2.Put biscuits into food bag and crush using a rolling pin until it looks like breadcrumbs. 3.Melt the margarine in a pan, mix in a bowl with crushed biscuits and caster sugar. 4.Place in your container, push bottom down with a spoon, put into fridge with your name on it and covered in cling film. 5.Wash and tidy up. Remember to weigh out before the lesson. You can modify the recipe, be creative, match the design brief ! FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Method Cheesecake: Mondays lesson. 1.General preparation, organisation and hygiene. 2.Drain the fruit over a basin using a sieve. 3.Separate egg whites and yolks; Remember to use a clean bowl and hands as any grease or egg yolk in the whites and they will not whisk. 4.Beat the cheese to soften, add egg yolks, ½ the caster sugar, the cream and some chopped fruit segments. Mix well. 5.Put the saved fruit juice from the tin and gelatine in a basin over a pan of hot water and stir until dissolved (not grainy). 6.Beat the gelatine into the cheese mixture and leave. 7.Whisk the egg whites until stiff, add the remaining suagr and whisk again until glossy and thick. Carefully fold into the cheese mixture, put on the biscuit base. 8.Put into fridge with your name on the product.Wash and tidy up. Remember to weigh out before the lesson. You can modify the recipe, be creative, match the design brief ! FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Method Cheesecake: Tuesdays lesson. 1.General preparation, organisation and hygiene. 2.Take cheesecake out of fridge 3.Decorate as you wish using as many skills as possible. 4.Wash and tidy up. 5.Bring dish to front to complete self assessment and receive your GCSE grade for this product and digital image. Remember to weigh out before the lesson and work quickly. You can modify the recipe, be creative, match the design brief ! FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
Design Brief: To design and make a speciality food product which could be sold in a major retail outlet. You need to include the following to be on target for a Grade C: What have you completed so far ? Project: Due in on 12th March 2010 – lesson before work experience. Design Brief Spider diagram/mind map is complete - include: The intended user - who will use your product and/or who is your client... Existing products - products similar to what you are intending to design... The function of a potential idea - inputs and outputs, how it might work... Materials and components - what you could use to make your product... Initial ideas - what ideas you have for your product... Additionally Even better if: Produce a mood board – images of speciality products Research Speciality products What does it mean and what are the different ranges? Why is there such a variety of speciality ranges? How does it link with society and consumer trends? Additionally Even better if: Include some statistics about speciality ranges and comments about them. You can focus on one range if you wish. Design a questionnaire. Analysis You need to comment on what you found out from your research? Ask yourself: 1.What did I know before? 2.What did I find out? 3. How will this help me with my design project? Additionally Even better if: Write up a survey of products already available to buy. Specification This must contain points about your product and packaging. It should reflect what you have found out in your research and analysis and contain a checklist i.e.: My product must be a speciality product. Be appetising and attractive Be filling etc. Additionally Even better if: You explain how you aim to achieve making your product in line with the specification i.e. You include a detailed time plan to ensure a consistent product. ACCESSFM – see sheet
Project: Due in on Friday 12th March 2010, lesson before work experience. Ideas You need to include: Write up of practicals completed – including a star profile. A sentence saying how your products turned out & how you could improve them. A labelled photograph of your product. Additionally Even better if: You include some 3 or 4 Name of recipe Source of recipe (name of cookery book/internet site). Ingredient list. Any changes you that would make to the recipe. Reasons for choice. Planning Your final design ask yourself - What I am making and why? Time plan including times, hygiene, safety, QA/ QC and CCP points. Top view,side view and exploding view sketches of each product. Additionally Even better if: Produce a flow chart for your final product. This must show the sequence of making, quality control, health and safety points. Making How well did you work? Are you an independent worker? Include a labelled photograph. Additionally Even better if: What skills did you use? Making skills – all in one; creaming; melting; whisking etc. Cooking skills – Baking, boiling, grilling etc. Other skills – Piping, garnishing and decoration. Evaluation Evaluate your final outcome by asking people for written comments about the final product/ produce a star diagram on excel. Did you reach all your specification points? If you did not succeed, what prevented you from doing so? What were the difficulties/problems? Additionally Even better if: Could your product be improved still further? If so, how?
3 weeks left for project – to be handed in on 12th March – before work experience. Use your design brief criteria sheet. During the project have made stew and dumplings, eclairs, lemon meringue pie; and will be making cheesecake, viennese biscuits and your own final choice product. What work have you completed so far on your project? FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.
This is on the school website. No excuses. Use your last project and build on it. FOOD TECHNOLOGY GCSE.