Layers of the Rain Forest Science 4th Grade TLW: Name the layers of the rain forest and a fact about each.
The rain forest has four layers Emergent Layer Canopy Understory Forest Floor
Emergent Layer The emergent layer is home to the rain forest’s tallest trees. The trees in this layer can reach up to 200 ft tall. The leaves of these trees are waxy to allow the water to easily drain off.
Canopy The canopy is the most dense part of the rain forest. It houses trees that reach from 50-100 feet tall. Thousands of species of birds and insects live in the canopy.
Understory The understory contains trees that reach only about 20 ft tall. Fig trees and orchids are included in the understory. Moths, butterflies, and many other forest creatures are also located here.
Forest Floor Fallen leaves and decaying plant matter cover the forest floor. Ants and other insects help to break down the organic matter. A few small plants such as ferns and ginger grow here as well. Many species of frogs can be spotted in this layer also.
The Rain Forest has four layers: Emergent layer Canopy Understory Forest Floor These four layers make up the dense, lush , complex ecosystem that we call a rain forest.
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