Improved communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders Ms Una Shortall CEER Deputy Secretary General The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration European Commission/ERGEG Conference, Brussels, 27 February 2008
2 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders Improved Communication – how? Reporting on Progress Improved Regional Initiatives section of new website ( Become an “Online Subscriber” – stay informed Stakeholder participation in the Regional Initiatives – the how and why? Structure of presentation
3 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders Annual Regional Initiatives Report (Feb. 2008) Annual ERI/GRI Convergence and Coherence Report Reporting to each Madrid/Florence fora European Energy Regulators News – monthly newsletter with updates per region plus one “region in the spotlight” Website Progress Reports
4 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders Energy Regulators website goes live today ! Why the re-design? Streamline information from the CEER and ERGEG websites under one site More user-friendly Better structure, content and functionality Regional Initiatives section ERGEG public consultations
5 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders
6 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders
7 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders Why become an “Online Subscriber”? Stay Informed ! Receive the monthly newsletter "European Energy Regulators News" direct to your mailbox Receive Press Releases and FactSheets direct to your mailbox Be alerted of new ERGEG public consultations, public hearings, conferences and other events Receive automatic notification whenever a new document is uploaded onto your selected electricity/gas region.
8 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders Why participate in the Regional Initiatives? Real opportunity for all stakeholders to help identify issues and solutions to improve the way gas and electricity markets work Active stakeholder involvement is crucial to their success
9 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders How can I participate in the Regional Initiatives? Stay Informed ! Become an “online subscriber” Be Heard ! Respond to public consultations Take Action ! Join the Stakeholder Groups by contacting the “lead regulator” in your region
10 The Regional Initiatives: Europe’s key to energy market integration Conference Brussels, 27 February 2008 Improved Communication to better reach Regional Initiatives stakeholders More information on the Regional Initiatives is available at