What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
Better market access $274m tariffs saved a year $2.7b a year to GDP by % tariffs removed for new partners Level playing field for exporters Benefits for tourism, education, IT
HOW TPP WILL BENEFIT NELSON Fish and Seafood Wine Horticulture Forestry Tourism
SECTOR SAVINGS – FISH & SEAFOOD Tariff savings of an estimated $9 million per year NZ exported $581 million in fish and seafood to the TPP region in 2015 All duties on NZ fish and seafood exports will be eliminated under TPP Most tariffs are eliminated on the agreement’s entry into force
SECTOR SAVINGS - WINE New Zealand exported $952 million of wine to TPP countries in 2015 Under TPP all tariffs on wine are eliminated The annual estimated tariff saving will be $16 million
OTHER WINS Horticulture - $34 million per year Forestry products - $11 million per year Tourism
Law making Medicine Trade disputes Treaty of Waitangi
COSTS OF TPP Extending copyright term - $55 million Elimination of tariffs on imports to NZ - $20 million Administrative changes to PHARMAC – $4.5 million one-off establishment cost and $2.2 million per year operating costs
Text and National Interest Analysis now public Examined by Select Committee – public submissions Law changes through normal Parliamentary process Two years for all parties to complete domestic processes TPP then takes effect