ESS Machine protection review Welcome Henrik Carling ESS/ICS Date: 2015-12-08.


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Presentation transcript:

ESS Machine protection review Welcome Henrik Carling ESS/ICS Date:

2 ESS in a nutshell The world’s brightest neutron sourceThe world’s brightest neutron source 15 European member states in the ESS ERIC15 European member states in the ESS ERIC First spallation neutrons:2019First spallation neutrons:2019 Full power operation:2025Full power operation:2025 Decommissioning:2065Decommissioning:2065 Investment1843 M€Investment1843 M€ Currently 351 employees, 45 nationalitiesCurrently 351 employees, 45 nationalities 100+ commercial or in-kind partners100+ commercial or in-kind partners 95% beam availability95% beam availability


Organization – ICS team Henrik Carling Division head Anna Gillberg Team assistant Annika Nordt Safety and protection Daniel Piso Hardware and integration Hector Novella Deputy project manager Susanne Regnell Control Software Timo Korhonen Chief engineer Emanuele Laface Accelerator physicist Karin Rathsman Senior scientist Leandro Fernandez Senior software engineer Ricardo Fernandes Senior software engineer Vacant Software engineer Javier Cerejo PhD Student Angel Monera FPGA Engineer Denis Paulic PLC Engineer Manuel Zaera-Sanz PLC Engineer Morteza Mansouri Safety Engineer Riccard Andersson PhD student Stuart Birch Senior safety engineer Ben Folsom PhD student Remy Mudingay Infrastructure engineer Thilo Friedrich PhD Student Temporary employee Employee Consultant Consultant off-site Nick Levchenko Integrator Benedetto Gallese Integrator Yong Kian Sin* IEC61508 engineer ? Deputy chief engineer (Vacant) François Bellorini Integrator David Brodrick Integrator ? IT/Infrastructure ? (Vacant?) Position under consideration Vacant Engineer? Alexander Söderqvist Integrator Klemen Strnisa Lead integrator Niklas Claesson Integrator Urša Rojec Integrator Jeong Han Lee Integrator Consultants Vacant Engineer? Julen Etxeberria Intern * Starts

ICS scope description 5 Work package 01 Management and administration Work package 02 Software Applications Work package 03 Software core Work package 04 Hardware core Work package 05 Machine protection system Work package 06 Equipment Work package 07 Control system infrastructure Work package 08 Physics Work package 09 Personal safety system Work package 10 Integration - Accelerator Work package 11 Integration - Target Work package 12 Integration - Instruments Work package 13 Integration - Conventional facilities Work package 14 Test Stands Work package 20Installation

The importance of Machine protection The ESS facility is a large and complex machine that represents an enormous investment from the member countries Operational safety, availability and reliability is of utmost importance Machine protection reliably protects the machine from damage and from unnecessary beam-induced activation Machine protection is designed to optimize availability and support failure localization Cost example for unplanned down-time – 25 k€ / hour – 600 k€ / day – 4.2 M€ / week – 18 M€ / month 6

Thank you for coming! ESS is a very young project We are dependent on comprehensive external assessments of different aspects of our projects We are very grateful for the experience you share We value your advice on how to improve through constructive feedback and recommendations 7

Thank you!