The AUC TVET Strategy for Youth Employme nt Windhoek, April 2014 Prudence Ngwenya Department for Human Resources Science & Technology
OUTLINE Key Provisions of the Strategy Key roles The 2014 AUC TVET Programme Possible Areas of engagement
KEY PROVISIONS Improving the TVET policy and management environment Promoting curriculum that is responsive to both job market needs and acquisition of basic skills that are adaptable for learning new technologies Enlarging the scope of and promoting a paradigm shift in TVET Assuring the quality and enhancing image of TVET provision
KEY PROVISIONS Enhancing relevance and employability Tracking and monitoring TVET delivery Developing a harmonized system of skills recognition Strengthening partnerships and linkages Promoting TVET research and gender and people with disabilities participation
KEY ROLES 1.Disseminate the revised TVET strategy document widely among AU Member States; 2.Sensitize governments on the transformational role of TVET for socio economic development; 3.Actively play a TVET advocacy role within the international donor community; 4.Offer technical assistance to member states in need of such assistance; 5.Promote TVET as a vehicle for regional integration; 6.Monitor implementation of the strategy at the continental level. AUC AND RECs
KEY ROLES 1.Give legislative backing to national TVET policies; 2.Improve capital investment in TVET; 3.Establish TVET management information systems for education and training, including labour market information systems; 4.Institute measures to reduce gender, economic, and geographical inequities in TVET provision; 5.Set up venture capital to support TVET graduates; 6.Build leadership and management capacity to drive TVET system; 7.Constantly monitor and track progress in the TVET delivery system and periodically apply corrective measures accordingly. MEMBER STATES
KEY ROLES 1.Fund TVET research; 2.Contribute to funding of post-training support services; 3.Support capacity building in TVET sector, including instructor training, management training, technical assistance, etc. 4.Support TVET advocacy initiatives, motivation campaigns and programmes DONORS & DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS
2014 TVET PROGRA MME FOCUS Implementation of key recommendations of the TVET strategy particularly focusing on the role of the AUC. Engage with REC’s on TVET implementation to ensure regional harmonization of policies and sustainability Coordinate a continental TVET partnership with participation from various stakeholder organizations. These include RECs, UN agencies, Other AU Organs, CSOs and Donor Agencies. This partnership is focused on drawing strength from collaboration and reducing duplication of efforts on the continent. Establish and continuously engage with a TVET group of experts who will provide technical support to the AUC Support the identified TVET reference centres and develop a good practices document Organize a capacity building workshop aimed at showcasing good practices and increasing TVET managers’ capacity to achieve these. Interventions shall focus on partnership management, technology mediated learning, competency based learning, entrepreneurial skills development amongst others
AREAS OF ENGAGE MENT Advocacy and support for the strategy and implementation Identification and dissemination of best practice Support for needs assessment and center development initiatives Partnerships to support TVET revitalization Local advocacy for harmonization of programs and qualifications Research, Monitoring and Evaluation for policy support and planning
CONTACT ADDRESS : Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Thank you for your attention