A Trade Union Policies for Decent Work Generation for Young Workers A Trade Union Policies for Decent Work Generation for Young Workers ITCILO, Turin 16 to 27 February 2015 Anglophone and Lusophone Africa Africa’s Response to the Youth Employment Crisis
Main African Initiatives in Response to the Youth Employment Crisis 2004 – AU endorsed the Ouagadougou Declaration on Employment and Poverty Alleviation and its Plan of Action through which African leaders committed to develop and implement strategies that give African youth a real chance to find decent and productive work 2006 – AU adopted the African Youth Charter which has a clear focus on livelihood, education and skills development AU Adopted the African Youth Decade 2009 – 2018 Plan of Action AU launched its education division's curriculum initiative
Main Initiatives in Response to the Youth Employment Crisis in Africa 2011 – AU Labour and Social Affairs Ministers set a target of reducing youth unemployment by 2% annually 2011 – AU adopted the Malabo Decision by the which also includes a Declaration on Creating Employment for Accelerated Youth Development and Empowerment Joint Initiative on Youth Employment involving the AU, ILO, UNECA and AfDB
Main Initiatives in Response to the Youth Employment Crisis in Africa AU Youth and Women Pact for Africa (YWEP-A) AU Youth Volunteer Program which affords young people the chance to gain hands-on experience, particularly in development related initiatives, through work opportunities in AU member countries The Pan-African University
FAO-ILO4NEPAD FAO and Continues… & theDP process to strengthen the capacities of partner institutions in participating countries African Union NEPAD CAADP Rural Futures Prog. AU Summit Accelerating Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development 7 th CAADP-PP Rural Employment in Africa with Focus on Women & Youth Youth employment priority New Thinking & Action for Development - Integrating Youth to Support Rural Transformation Youth & Employment in African Agriculture NPCA-ILO Collaboration Strategic Briefing : Decade of youth dev. in Africa
National Growth & Development Strategy CPF (FAO) UNDAF/UNDAP DWCP (ILO) RCM Cluster on AFSRD and sub-cluster on Employment and Labour RCM Cluster on AFSRD and sub-cluster on Employment and Labour Decent Work Country Programme Social Protection Floor Global Jobs Pact Decent Work Agenda Employment creation Rights & standards Social protection Social dialogue Decent Work Agenda Employment creation Rights & standards Social protection Social dialogue Joint ILO-FAO country approach CAADP implementation process ILO MoA MoL FAO CS
Approaches for youth employment creation ILO –Start Your Business (SYB) –Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) FAO –Farmer Field Schools (FFS) –Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS) UNIDO –Salima Agricultural Technology Trainings (SATECH) IFAD-UNIDO-FAO –African Agro-business and agro-industries initiative (3ADI) Civil Society –The Songhai model Potential multi-stakeholder approaches for youth employment creation suitable under the Rural Futures Initiative
ILO – Start Your Business (SYB) SYB a system of inter-related training packages and supporting materials for small-scale entrepreneurs in developing and transition economies SYB training is designed to assist potential entrepreneurs to: Draft a marketing strategy; Plan their staff needs; Cost their goods and services; Decide about the legal form of their business; Get a clear idea about the licenses and permits needed; Assess the environmental impact of their planned business; and Forecast their finances. The SYB trainings have been implemented in over 90 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. SYB training is equally suitable for men and women in rural and urban areas, both young and old.
Draft Ouaga + 10 in a Nutshell KEY PRIORITY AREASEXPECTED OUTCOMES Political Leadership, Accountability and Good GovernanceHigh level political leadership developed for achieving inclusive broad based growth to eradicate working poverty, achieve full and productive employment and ensure social cohesion in the context of post-2015 development agenda, the AU Agenda 2063 and the attainment of the SDGs Youth and Women EmploymentYouth and women unemployment and underemployment reduced through accelerated implementation of the AU Youth and Women Employment Pact Social Protection and Productivity for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Extended social protection coverage to the excluded categories of workers (or informal economy and rural workers) and members of their families, and improved productivity and competitiveness in Africa Well-functioning and Inclusive Labour MarketEnhanced and modernized the labour market institutions Labour Migration and Regional Economic IntegrationImproved labour management governance within Africa for regional economic integration and with the other regions Partnership and Resource MobilizationEnhanced partnership and resource mobilization to effectively implement the declaration and action plan at all levels
Key Messages Youth employment is an enormous challenge in Africa Access to productive and decent work is the best way young people can: Realize their potential; Improve their living conditions; and Actively participate in society. Starting right in the labour market is crucial not only to success at work but to the personal lives of individuals and their societies Productive and long-term youth employment requires sustained, coherent and concerted action on a combination of economic and social policies Youth employment initiatives are more successful if they combine a range of measures spanning education and training, labour market services, support for gaining work experience and entrepreneurship development