Top-performing urban school district in Florida FSA ELA Writing Paper-Based Material Returns
Top-performing urban school district in Florida To Be Scored Labels You have received one of these labels o Green w/Blue Stripe – To Be Scored Calibration & Noncalibration Materials at Calibration Schools o Green – All To Be Scored Materials at Noncalibration School
Top-performing urban school district in Florida Special Document To Be Scored Labels White – Large Print/One-Item-Per-Page Pink – Braille
Top-performing urban school district in Florida Not To Be Scored Labels Yellow – Not To Be Scored Materials o Regular print, large print, one-item-per page and Braille
Top-performing urban school district in Florida Packing To Be Scored Materials Place all To Be Scored materials for your designated calibration grade level into a plastic bag(s) when boxing them for return. o We have found that it may be easier if you put the plastic bag in the box and then place the test books in the bag. Do Not use a provided zip tie to close the plastic bags. Leave bags open Seal the box(es) closed Non-Calibration schools will place a green To Be Scored return label on each box Calibration schools will place a green w/blue stripe To Be Scored return label on each box
Top-performing urban school district in Florida Packing Not To Be Scored Materials Place all Not To Be Scored materials into a box for return. o Plastic bags and zip ties are not needed for these materials Seal the box(es) closed Place a yellow Not To Be Scored return label on each box
Top-performing urban school district in Florida District Coordinator Only Boxes Includes the Chain of Custody Form, Administration Record/Security Checklist, Security Logs, Seating Charts, Used/unused planning sheets, Test Administration Manuals Organize these material in a box(es) o No return labels needed o Write your school name and “District Coordinator Only” on the top and side of the box(es)
Top-performing urban school district in Florida Delivering Writing Materials All paper/pencil Writing materials MUST be returned to the Test Distribution Center (TDC) no later than 4:00 pm on March 4, o The TDC will be open on March 4 th from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm for any school wanting to return their materials directly to the TDC o Any school that completes all testing prior to March 4 th and would like to return their materials early may return them to the TDC. Because of other testing programs occurring at the same time as ELA Writing we ask that you call the TDC prior to bringing your materials just to make sure someone will be there to receive them. For your convenience a district vehicle will be stationed in the parking lot at each Area Office from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm on March 4, 2016 o You may return your materials to any of these locations o If you do not arrive at a drop-off location before 3:00 you will need you bring your materials to the TDC no later than 4:00 pm on March 4, 2016
Top-performing urban school district in Florida Contacts Cherie Boone – (px48855) Tom Cornman – (px42499) Test Distribution Center – (px45155)