The rhythms of grace Transformed into the likeness of Christ Open to the presence, guidance and power of the Spirit Set aside time for prayer, worship and spiritual reading Gracious presence in the world, serving others and working for justice in human relationships and social structures Sensitively share my faith with others and support God’s mission both locally and globally
“By God’s grace I will sensitively share my faith with others and support God’s mission both locally and globally.”
The Apostle Paul
Making the most of every opportunity “It has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone that I am in chains for Christ….” (v13)
Making the most of every opportunity “Whoever we are, as Christians we have at least one thing in common. We each have a frontline. That place where we spend much of our time. That place where we meet people who don’t know Jesus. That place God has called us. That place of possibility and potential. “
Making the most of every opportunity “Mission isn’t about recruiting the people of God to use some of their leisure-time to join the mission initiatives of church-paid workers.” (Mark Greene) “The UK will never be reached until we create open, authentic, learning and praying communities that are focused on making whole-life disciples who live and share the Gospel wherever they relate to people in their daily lives. (Mark Greene)