Jane Stubberfield Change 1 - Logical levels of change
By the end of this session you will be able to: Identify the logical levels of learning and change Assess the uses of logical levels in mentoring Evaluate the use of logical levels in other areas of development
Logical types – Bertrand Russell Levels of learning– Gregory Bateson Logical levels of learning and change – Robert Dilts
Vision Identity Values and Beliefs Capabilities Behaviour Environment
For whom? For what?Who?Why?How?What?Where and when?
Albert Einstein said that you can’t solve a problem at the level in which it was created For change to be sustainable you want to bring about change at the level of problem or above
At what level is the problem? Bring in change at least the level of the problem or above As result of the change how will all the levels below need to change in order to bring alignment?
How will the change contribute to everything beyond the person, team or organisation? Who will the person, team or organisation become when they change? Why should the person, team or organisation make the change? For what purpose? What skills and abilities does the person, team or organisation need to bring about the change What does the person, team or organisation need to do differently? What needs to change in the environment external to the person, team or organisation?
How could you use the logical levels when you are helping someone set outcomes? How could you use the logical levels when you are identifying the problem? How would you use this model to evaluate success in mentoring?
1. Take an outcome that someone wants and starting at the environment level, ask questions about each of the levels in relation to the outcome. E.g.: a.For this outcome that you want, what is important about where you do this and when you do it? What things out side of yourself will be important to consider? b.What will you want to do differently to achieve this outcome, what different approaches will you want to use? c.What skills and capabilities will you want to achieve this outcome? How will you get them? What skills and capabilities do you already have? How can you use them most effectively? d.What is important to you about this outcome? What beliefs do you have that will make it easier for you to achieve this outcome? What are the barriers that are currently limiting you? What are you believing now that will allow you to overcome these barriers? e.Who will you be when you have achieved this outcome? f.How does this outcome contribute to everything else? For what purpose for you are you setting this outcome?
2. Ask questions about the problem for each level to help the client discover how the problem is being created. E.g.: a.When and where precisely does this problem occur? When and where does it not happen? b.What are you doing when this problem happens? c.How are you doing it? What skills and capabilities would you like to acquire? d.What is important to you about this situation? What is important to you about solving this problem? What do you believe about yourself in relation to the problem? How well are these beliefs serving you? e.Who are you when you are in this situation? Who do you want to be instead? f.How is this problem affecting everything else?
3. Identify ways of evaluating at all the levels. E.g.: a. what impact has the mentoring had on the external environment, behaviours, capabilities, the values and beliefs held, what does the person, team or organisation now think they are, how does the person, team or organisation contribute to everything else?
Identify a problem that you, or a team or an organisation is having At what logical level is the problem occurring? At what level would you suggest intervening to move the problem forward and why? How would you ensure that all the levels below it are in alignment?
Bateson, Gregory (1972). Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology. University Of Chicago Press. Dilts, R. (1990) “Changing Belief Systems with NLP”, Meta Publications. Paul Tosey, P. (2006) Bateson’s Levels Of Learning: a Framework For Transformative Learning? University of Surrey
This resource was created by the University of Plymouth, Learning from WOeRk project. This project is funded by HEFCE as part of the HEA/JISC OER release programme.Learning from WOeRk This resource is licensed under the terms of the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales license ( The resource, where specified below, contains other 3 rd party materials under their own licenses. The licenses and attributions are outlined below: 1.The name of the University of Plymouth and its logos are unregistered trade marks of the University. The University reserves all rights to these items beyond their inclusion in these CC resources. 2.The JISC logo, the and the logo of the Higher Education Academy are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -non-commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK England & Wales license. All reproductions must comply with the terms of that license. Author Jane Stubberfield InstituteUniversity of Plymouth Title Logical levels of learning and change Description Using the logical levels of learning and change in modelling and mentoring Date Created Educational Level 7, Masters Keywords Learning, development, strategy, mentoring, modelling, modelling excellence, excellence, logical levels, logical levels of change, logical levels of learning, logical levels of learning and change, UKOER, LFWOER, Mentoring, learning, development, coaching, training, advising Back page originally developed by the OER phase 1 C-Change project ©University of Plymouth, 2010, some rights reserved