Integrating the Faith in Lutheran Schools Through Witness, Mercy and Life Together
Lutheran Schools are one of our Synod’s best entities for
Nourish faith and strengthen hope in Christ among those who have been baptized and believe by sharing the one message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Make known the love of Christ to children and families who do not have a faith relationship with Jesus. Intentionally prepare lessons in all school subjects that integrate faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Empower students to witness about their faith in Jesus with others. Teach children to boldly defend their faith. Witness to and pray with and for students and school families. Through their faithful Witness, Lutheran teachers
By demonstrating Mercy and compassion, Lutheran teachers Equip students and school families to cling to the cross of Christ in the midst of all circumstances. Provide targeted support for students and school families in need. Teach students about Christian service and provide venues in the community and throughout the world for sharing God’s love, grace and mercy to people in need.
In our Life Together with the Church, Lutheran teachers... Engage their communities and the world with a Christian worldview that is distinctively Lutheran. Experience and celebrate the lavish gifts God bestows upon us—His love, grace and mercy—and share those gifts with others. Actively engage in the total life of their LCMS congregation. Engage school families with the life of the operating congregation. Provide unparalleled opportunities to engage the congregation in its community.
Defining Faith Integration in the Lutheran School The mission of Lutheran schools is to proclaim Jesus Christ to its students. Faith integration requires a personal and public proclamation by teachers throughout the day in every curricular area. Faith integration is more than just words. It infuses the way that teachers live and relate to others. It is as much about how we live and behave in the presence of others as it is what we instruct them to do. Teachers integrate the faith when they share the love of Jesus and demonstrate the message of His mercy and forgiveness in tangible ways as they interact with students, parents, coworkers and congregation members.
Examples of Faith Integration Whole School Worship Activities
Examples of Faith Integration Classroom Activities and Lessons
Examples of Faith Integration Extracurricular Activities
Examples of Faith Integration Faith proclamation through service in the community and throughout the world
Students know and accept that they are loved by their Lord, the teachers and their classmates. Students regularly witness about the miracle of their faith and their love for their Lord Jesus. Students are comfortable with leading prayer, corporately and extemporaneously. Students are able to defend their faith. Students and their families cling to the cross of Jesus in the midst of crisis and need. Students willingly serve others out of a response to God’s great love for them. Students embrace a Christian worldview and enact it in their relationships with others. Students and their families engage in the life of the congregation. GOALS related to intentional Faith Integration in Lutheran Schools