Collaboration Time A Steveston-London Model
What is Collaboration Time? Collaboration Time is teacher driven. It is when two or more staff members come together with the goal to increase student engagement, achievement and learning. Collaboration focuses on improving teacher practice. The more effective a teacher is, the more a student will benefit.
Does Collaboration Time Exist in Other School Districts? Yes. While the list below is not exhaustive, it shows other districts that utilize Collaboration Time. Vancouver, North Vancouver, Surrey, Delta, Burnaby
Collaboration Time in Richmond Currently, the only high schools that do not run Collaboration Time in Richmond are Burnett and Steveston-London.
Some Potential Collaboration Activities… Working with others in curricular area to achieve consistency within the department. Cross curricular initiatives. Talking with other teachers about shared students. Sharing resources. Develop activities to make lessons more engaging.
…Some Potential Collaboration Activities Bringing in professionals outside the school to present to a small group Creating assessment documents Combined activities between classes Coordinating approaches to new curriculum
How Does it Differ From Pro D and Prep Time? Prep Time What we do for our own practice/our students Personal Pro-D What we do with others Once or over time Professional Collaboration Time What we do in pairs/groups over time Collegial
Examples of Student Improvement From Other Schools with Collaboration Time Incorporation of an ELL rubric across all level allowed students to better understand their abilities, the criteria for improvement and areas of growth. This understanding allowed students and teachers to have targeted conversations around future directions. Teachers were able to adjust instructional strategies and create accommodations for complex learners that resulted in an increase in student attendance, interest, on-task work and submission of assignments in math Apprentice and Workplace 11 class. Career advisors have organized more visits so more info given to graduating students Increased levels of reading and speaking in ELL level 1 & 2 students Reduced negative behaviours and increased attendance for a student with significant behaviour concerns through targeted instructional support and assistive technology
Collaboration Time Frequency Collaboration Time (CT) will occur 8 times throughout the year. The CT days would fall on the first Tuesday of each month except in September where it would be the second Tuesday back after summer break.
Amount Of Class Time Missed *Student contact time will remain the same as students will still attend all of their classes on collaboration days (classes are just shortened)
Schedule For The Day Collaboration Time Schedule 8:25-9:40Collaboration Time (75 minutes) 9:45-10:45Block A 10:45-10:55BREAK (10 minutes) 10:55-11:55Block B 11:55-12:05BREAK (10 minutes) 12:05-1:05Block C 1:05-1:50LUNCH (45 minutes) 1:55-2:55Block D
Students Coming Early Can… Work with peers/student leaders on projects Catch up on homework Study/review Work with a peer tutor Be engaged in DPA *Supervised by administration if at school
Collaboration Time Model: Where, With Whom, and What Occurs in the school Teachers must meet with one other person Pre-determined topic decided upon by the group with the outcome to benefit student learning. Topic Examples: curricular area, co-planning, instructional strategies, assessment for learning
Collaboration Time Reporting Process Online form Survey (provides feedback to Collaboration Time committee) Feedback from Collaboration Time initiatives
Feedback From Collaboration Time Initiatives Examples of materials produced or used in class, data and comments showing success. It may be as simple as forwarding the document, taking a picture during a class of what is going on (i.e. a special fair/theme day in a class), ing a comment that a student made, or sharing a document produced.
Reapplication Process If successful, Collaboration Time at Steveston London will be reviewed by the school board after it’s first year. The reapplication process will incorporate data from the following sources: Discussions at staff meetings Staff, student, and parent discussions and survey Teacher sign up information and reflections Examples of student successes/improvements