Warm Up ◦ Do you believe it is a general truth that all humans have a desire to overcome feelings of inferiority? ◦ If it were true, how do you see this in your own life? ◦ How do you see this in the lives of others? ◦ Where do you think this desire to overcome inferiority stems from?
Homework ◦ Read the section about Carl Jung on pgs ◦ Answer the following questions: a.What branch of psychology did Jung develop? b.What is an archetype? c.What are examples of archetypes and how do we see them? d.What is the purpose of “the self”? e.What four elements exist in everyone’s unconscious mind? f.What do other psychologists feel about Jung’s Theory of the Collective Unconscious
Learning Objectives ◦ Interpret the ideas of Psychoanalytic Thinkers ◦ Analyze the similarities and differences between Psychoanalytic Thinkers ◦ Build Connections to own lives
Alfred Adler ◦ Follower of Freudian Psychoanalysis ◦ Believed that people are motivated by a need to overcome inferiority complexes a.Inferiority Complex- Feelings of inadequacy and insecurity -Where do you think that people get inferiority complexes from? -What are examples of inferiority complexes in your lives, or the lives of others? -Do people with inferiority complexes need treatment? If so, what kind of treatment should they be given?
Fun With Dick and Jane ◦ ◦ ◦ What kind of Inferiority Complex is Dick suffering from? ◦ How is this Inferiority Complex impacting Dick? ◦ Do you think Inferiority Complexes are good, bad, or both?
Historical Examples ◦ What historical examples can you think of in terms of people who suffered from an Inferiority Complex?
Other Psychoanalytic Thinkers Karen Horney- Greatest influence on personality is social relationships - Agreed with Freud that parent-child relationships are critical - What do you think Horney and Freud said was the impact of harsh parenting? -What kind of parenting style could be described as harsh, and what have we said about this parenting style in past classes? Erik Erikson- Placed Great emphasis on social relationships impacting personality -Agreed with Freud and Horney that emotional climates between mother and children have a huge impact on personality traits -Placed more importance on the ego than Freud -Claimed that people are capable of making meaningful and real choices, while Freud felt people are only rationalizing the compromises forced upon them by inner conflict
Psychoanalytic Theories Packet ◦ Write down what we learned about Freud’s Theories related to Psychoanalysis and Personality ◦ Read the information on three different psychoanalytic theorists a.Alfred Adler b.Karen Horney c.Erik Erikson Complete the Graphic Organizer on the last page, using key facts and specific information you learned about each theorist and their theories. You will need to do this to complete the next activity
Check for Understanding ◦ Who started the Psychoanalytic Approach and what overlaps do you see between his ideas and the ideas of other Psychoanalytic Thinkers? ◦ Create a Venn Diagram to show similarities and differences between the creator of the Psychoanalytic Approach and other Psychoanalytic Theorists
Wrapping Up/Looking Ahead ◦ Which of the Psychoanalytical Theories do you agree with the most? Why? What criticisms do you have regarding other theorists and their theories? ◦ What was the Learning Perspective? (First few weeks of school) ◦ What do you think Learning Approach Theorists are going to focus on in terms of human personality?
Learning Perspective ◦ Emphasizes the effects of experiences on behavior
Warm Up ◦ What is the Trait Approach Theory of Personality? ◦ Name one specific Trait Approach Theorist ◦ Identify five major beliefs/theories of this Theorist ◦ What is the Psychoanalytic Approach Theory of Personality? ◦ Who are the different Psychoanalytic Theorists and how are their theories similar or different from Freud’s theories?
Homework ◦ Read the section about Carl Jung on pgs Answer the following questions: 2. What branch of psychology did Jung develop? 3. What is an archetype? 4. What are examples of archetypes and how do we see them? 5. What is the purpose of “the self”? 6. What four elements exist in everyone’s unconscious mind? 7. What do other psychologists feel about Jung’s Theory of the Collective Unconscious
Learning Objectives ◦ Analyze Watson and Skinner’s Behaviorist Approach ◦ Interpret Bandura’s Social Learning Theory ◦ Build Connections to own lives
Theories of Personality ◦ Learning Approach- Behavior is formed by products of experience ◦ Psychoanalytic Approach- Inner drives, Social Norms, Conflicts determine Personality ◦ Trait Approach- Personality Traits are fixed and stable
Brainstorming ◦ What have we already learned about positive and negative reinforcement? ◦ Who were the main theorists we studied in regards to positive and negative reinforcement? ◦ If you were a parent, how would you positively reinforce the actions of a… 1.Baby 2.Young Children 3.Teenagers 4.Grown up Children
Watson and Skinner: Behaviorism Behaviorism- External forces dictate behavior Watson and Skinner: Behavior is shaped by societal norms Socialization- The process by which people learn the socially desirable behaviors of their culture and adopt them to their personalities Skinner: No is one completely free because society forces us to conform to doing what is best for society -Think of your own life…can you think of examples where this might be true?
Putting Skinner’s Ideas into Action ◦ I need a volunteer ◦ You will perform certain actions ◦ Based on how well you listen, you will get a reward or a punishment
Skinner: Walden Two ◦ Walden Two: Book about Skinner’s utopian society ◦ Utopian society: Skinner’s ideal society where people are happy and content ◦ Every society member contributes and receives the benefits of the society ◦ Socialization begins to take place in early childhood
Twin Oaks: Modern Community Based Off Skinner’s Utopia ◦ ◦ What types of Socialization have taken place? ◦ What does a community mean to these people? ◦ What approach does this community take to parenting and what would Freud, Adler, Horney, and Erikson say about this approach? ◦ What results of this parenting approach do the people notice in the children? ◦ How does Twin Oaks model Skinner’s ideas of a utopia? ◦ What are negatives of this community? ◦ What would your utopia look like? Bullet-point ten things
Reading on Albert Bandura and Social Learning Theory ◦ Read the article on Bandura and Social Learning Theory and answer the questions on the back
Check For Understanding- 1 Paragraph ◦ Which theory of personality do you think is most accurate? Why? Write one paragraph in which you defend your argument as to why you think either the Trait Approach, the Psychoanalytic Approach, or the Learning Approach is the most accurate theory in determining personality
The “Bobo Doll” Experiment ◦ - I need six volunteers (three parents and three children) ◦ - Each volunteer will have an index card that explains how to treat the doll ◦ -For each volunteer, there will be one group of students who are going to learn from the volunteer how to properly treat the doll (through actions) ◦ After learning, the group members will show how to treat the doll for each situation
Situation 1 ◦ Doll is Crying
Situation 2 ◦ Doll is happy
Situation 3 ◦ Doll misbehaves
Situation 4 ◦ Doll talks back to you
Wrap Up ◦ How does this experiment demonstrate observational learning and social learning theory?
Warm Up ◦ What is the Learning Approach? ◦ Who were Learning Approach theorists that we learned about yesterday and what were their theories?
Learning Objectives ◦ Analyze the Humanist Approach ◦ Collaborate with Group Members to form Therapy Plans ◦ Build Connections between material and your own lives
Humanistic Approach ◦ Humanistic Approach: Behavior is individual and subjective ◦ Humanistic Theorists: Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers a.Abraham Maslow: Believed that what separates humans from animals is the desire to reach self-actualization. To do this, humans need to take risks. -What is self actualization and where does it fall on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? -What would self-actualization look like for Mr. Rosenberg as a teacher and what risks do I take in achieving self-actualization?
Carl Rogers Carl Rogers-each person defines themselves in a certain way and this view shapes their behavior and choices -Self-Concept: The individuality that one creates for themselves (who they are) -Congruence: Consistency between one’s Self-Concept and their own experiences -When people have Congruency, they are happy, but without it, they are anxious
Orange County ◦ ◦ What are some characteristics and terms that you would use to describe Sean’s Self-Concept? ◦ Does Sean have Congruency? Why or why not? Does this mean he is happy or anxious? ◦ What does Self-Actualization mean for Sean? ◦ What risks does he take to achieve his Self- Actualization?
Write 2 Letters to a friend or family member ◦ Each letter= 1 paragraph ◦ Create a fictional character and describe their emotions based on their Self-Concept and Congruency ◦ First letter= Describe a recent (fictional) experience that has Congruency for the character’s Self-Concept ◦ 2 nd Letter= Describe a recent (fictional) experience that does not have Congruency for the character’s Self Concept ◦ In both letters be sure to include the person’s Self-Concept, explain why they do or don’t have Congruency, and what their emotions are based off this Congruency
Group Therapy Plans ◦ For the following situation, in your groups (5-6 people), create a therapy plan for the patient ◦ Be sure to talk about which Theory of Personality (Trait, Psychoanalytic, Learning, or Humanistic) best goes with the treatment plan and why you picked this Theory ◦ Whose approach to understanding this situation will you use in helping this family through this conflict?
Situation: 18 year old Male ◦ An 18 year old male student has decided that he doesn’t want to go to college and would rather stay at home and live with his parents ◦ He doesn’t want to get a job and his only after-school activities are playing video games and watching TV ◦ He doesn’t see the point of going to school, has “missed” a lot of days from school, comes in late, and is danger of failing ◦ Parents do not know what to do as the boy doesn’t talk to his parents, but rather, has a group of friends that he hangs out with who negatively influence him ◦ His mother and father both work two jobs to save up enough money to send him to college and now they are very upset
Personality Theories and Theorist Worksheet ◦ Fill out the Review Worksheet on Personality Theories and Theorists
Homework Terms ◦ Carl Jung developed his own branch of Psychoanalytic Theory known as Analytic Psychology ◦ Analytic Psychology- Emphasizes the influences of mysticism and religion on human behavior ◦ Collective Unconscious- Storing of human concepts shared by all people across all cultures ◦ Archetypes- Ideas and images of the experience that humans have accumulated