The WOW Factor Developing effective out of school hours science activities Janet Harris, Adviser for Extended Learning Ron Bibby, Science Consultant
What is Extended Learning? Out of School Hours Learning (Study Support) Family Learning
OSHL “ Study Support is learning activity outside normal lessons, which young people take part in voluntarily … Its purpose is to improve young people ’ s motivation, build their self-esteem and help them become effective learners. Above all it aims to raise achievement. ” Extending Opportunity: a national framework for study support (DfEE, 1998)
Examples of OSHL Activities Arts Music Recording Sport Outdoor Education Environment Club Gardening Science/Technology School Newspaper Breakfast Learning Homework Club IT Club School Council Summer Schools Booster Classes and many more
Family Learning ‘ Family Learning describes a whole range of activities and programmes where parents, grandparents, children and carers are involved in learning. Sometimes it involves the adults and children learning together at the same time. Sometimes it involves the different age groups meeting separately in order to learn …’ From NIACE website -one of several similar definitions
Types of Family Learning Informal involvement of parents in existing OSHL activities Family Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Programmes Wider Family Learning Programmes – a wide range of topics, including science
ACTIVITIES Enabling – developing basic and key skills Extension – building on existing class based activities Enrichment – new opportunities for learning
Partners Other Schools Parents Libraries Museums Borough Councils Community Groups Voluntary Groups Sports/Arts Associations Business
More information Surrey Extended Learning Handbook Appendices from
Core Offer for Extended Schools (to be accessible through all schools by 2010) Community access A varied menu of study support activities Parenting supportSwift and easy referral to specialised support services including family learningincluding adult learning Quality childcare All year round 8am-6pm on site or through local providers Core Offer Community access
Getting started Keys to Success
Getting Started Practical Considerations
The Wow Factor Health and Safety
General considerations in Extended Learning Is first aid equipment accessible outside normal school hours? Is pupil medication accessible out side normal school hours? Is the leader aware of any pupil health issues? Have adult volunteers had appropriate Child Protection checks?
Key Guidance The majority of activities provided are suitable to be led by an appropriate adult who is experienced in the management of activities with young people Any adult before leading any science-based activity must have read the ASE book Be Safe! and be fully aware of any relevant risk assessments Any activity must be conducted in accordance with the school ’ s existing Health and Safety policy
Risk Assessment Is a considered evaluation of potential hazards and the level of risk associated with them Aims to identify how the hazard and risk can be controlled and reduced
Factors to consider Supervision o Type of activity o Location of activity o Age of pupils o Pupil behaviour Chemicals o Refer to CLEAPSS Safe use of household and other chemicals Other materials and equipment
Involving the learners The control measures must be understood and implemented by those involved Risk assessment can be built into planning ‘ Rules ’ are less likely to be broken if the reasons are agreed and understood
Activity folder This can include: Register (with any medical alerts) Pupil emergency contact details Risk assessments and other health and safety information