1 Byung Sik, Kim Kangwon National University Advanced Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Introduction to GIS
Presentation Outline Using GIS to connect hydrology and meteorology Representation of spatial objects in GIS Terrain analysis using Digital Elevation Models Geodesy and map projections
Hydrologic Cycle: Connecting the Land Surface with the Atmosphere
Connecting Hydrology and Meteorology Two Spatial Scales –Drainage basin scale for consideration of severe storms and flood (Nexrad radar precipation as input, flood runoff as output) –Regional or global scale for consideration of climate change (Global climate models as input, time series of river flows as output)
Regional flood analysis in Houston Study region
Nexrad Rainfall for Storm of Oct 1994
Discharge in Buffalo Bayou at Katy October, 1994 storm
Calibrated Flow with HEC-HMS
Global Runoff (mm/yr) According to NCAR’s CCM3.2 Global Climate Model (GCM)
GTOPO ” Digital Elevation Model of the Earth Source:
Drainage in North America Source:
Drainage Basins of North America Source: na_basins.html
Streamflow Hydrographs for Large Basins Amazon River Yangtze River Congo River MacKenzie River Runoff Input from Climate Model Streamflow Output at River Mouth
A Fundamental Dilemma Land Surface Hydrology has: –drainage patterns organized by rivers and watersheds which are spatially discrete –analysis in Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) Atmospheric Science has: –circulation patterns which are spatially continuous over the earth –analysis in Geographic coordinates ( ,, z) GIS can be used to connect these two spatial frameworks
Presentation Outline Using GIS to connect hydrology and meteorology Representation of spatial objects in GIS Terrain analysis using Digital Elevation Models Geodesy and map projections
Discrete and Continuous Space Discrete Space: Vector GIS Continuous Space: Raster GIS
Geospatial Database: a set of compatible data layers or themes
Spatial Data: Vector format Point Point - a pair of x and y coordinates (x 1,y 1 ) Line Line - a sequence of points Polygon Polygon - a closed set of lines Node vertex Vector data are defined spatially:
Feature Attribute Table Fields Records
Relational Linkages Spatial Attributes Descriptive Attributes Water Right Locations
Locations on the Stream Network Digital Stream Network Connects Control Point Locations
Watersheds defined using a Digital Elevation Model
Spatial Data: Raster format Number of rows Number of Columns (X,Y) Cell size NODATA cell Definition of a Grid in GIS
Points as Cells
Line as a Sequence of Cells
Polygon as a Zone of Cells
Raster-Vector Data Model Raster Vector Real World
Presentation Outline Using GIS to connect hydrology and meteorology Representation of spatial objects in GIS Terrain analysis using Digital Elevation Models Geodesy and map projections
Study Region in West Austin Hog Pen Ck 4 km
Watershed Delineation by Hand Digitizing Watershed divide Drainage direction Outlet
30 Meter Mesh Standard for 1:24,000 Scale Maps
DEM Elevations Contours
DEM Elevations Contours
Eight Direction Pour Point Model
Slope: Direction of Steepest Descent
Flow Direction Grid
Austin West 30 Meter DEM Elevations in meters ftp://ftp.tnris.state.tx.us/tnris/demA.html
Flow Direction Grid
Grid Network
Flow Accumulation Grid LinkLink to Grid calculator
Flow Accumulation > 5 Cell Threshold
Stream Network for 5 cell Threshold Drainage Area
Streams with 200 cell Threshold (>18 hectares or 13.5 acres drainage area)
Watershed Outlet
Watershed Draining to This Outlet
Watershed and Drainage Paths Delineated from 30m DEM Automated method is more consistent than hand delineation
DEM Data Sources 30m DEMs from 1:24,000 scale maps (urban watersheds) 3" (100m) DEMs from 1:250,000 scale maps (rural watersheds) 15" (500m) DEM for the US resampled from 3” DEM (large drainage basins) 30" (1km) DEM of the earth (GTOPO30)
Presentation Outline Using GIS to connect hydrology and meteorology Representation of spatial objects in GIS Terrain analysis using Digital Elevation Models Geodesy and map projections
Coordinate System ( o, o ) (x o,y o ) X Y Origin A planar coordinate system is defined by a pair of orthogonal (x,y) axes drawn through an origin
Earth to Globe to Map Representative Fraction Globe distance Earth distance = Map Scale: Map Projection: Scale Factor Map distance Globe distance = (e.g. 1:24,000) (e.g )
Map-Based Flood Hydrology and Hydraulics
Map-Based Hydrology and Hydraulics Connecting ArcView with HMS for the Austin Region Flood simulation using Nexrad data in Houston HMS-RAS for Waller Creek in Austin Creating flood plain maps in Waller Creek
Map-Based Hydrology and Hydraulics ArcView Input Data DEM HEC-HMS Flood discharge HEC-RAS Water surface profiles ArcView Flood plain maps CRWR-PrePro
Austin Digital Elevation Model Waller Creek
Austin Watersheds
CRWR-PrePro ArcView-based preprocessor for HEC-Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) Digital Elevation Model Stream Map HMS Basin File Control point locations
DEM Watersheds for Austin
Selected Watersheds and Streams Mansfield Dam Colorado River
HMS Schematic Prepared with CRWR-PrePro Mansfield Dam Colorado River
HMS Basin File Basin file is a text description of all hydrologic elements Subbasin Junction Reach
HMS Model of the Austin Region
Design Precipitation Input
HMS Control File
HMS Results Watershed 155Junction 44
Map-Based Hydrology and Hydraulics Connecting ArcView with HMS for the Austin Region Flood simulation using Nexrad data in Houston HMS-RAS for Waller Creek in Austin Creating flood plain maps in Waller Creek
Regional flood analysis in Houston Study region
Study Region in West Houston Maps Developed using CRWR-Prepro by Seth Ahrens
Nexrad Rainfall for Storm of Oct 1994
Discharge in Buffalo Bayou at Katy October, 1994 storm
Calibrated Flow with HEC-HMS
Map-Based Hydrology and Hydraulics Connecting ArcView with HMS for the Austin Region Flood simulation using Nexrad data in Houston HMS-RAS for Waller Creek in Austin Creating flood plain maps in Waller Creek
Waller Creek DEM
Waller Creek Watershed Outlets
Waller Creek HMS Model
Flood Plain Mapping
Connecting HMS and RAS
Discharge at a Particular Cross-Section
Map-Based Hydrology and Hydraulics Connecting ArcView with HMS for the Austin Region Flood simulation using Nexrad data in Houston HMS-RAS for Waller Creek in Austin Creating flood plain maps in Waller Creek
HEC-RAS: Background Hydraulic model of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Input = cross-section geometry and flow rates Output = flood water elevations Cross-Section Schematic
Points describe channel and floodway geometry Bank station locations Water surface elevations and floodplain boundaries HEC-RAS: Cross-Section Description
HEC-RAS: Output Text File Graphical
Data translation from HEC-RAS text file to dbase table Bank and floodplain boundaries measured from stream centerline HEC-RAS: Data Translation
Digital orthophotograph and road coverage used as a base map User digitizes stream with mouse Boundary points define the RAS stream Digital Stream Mapping
Floodplain Mapping: Plan View
3D Terrain Modeling: Ultimate Goal
For more information about GIS and Hydrology, see To obtain CRWR-PrePro to link ArcView with HEC-HMS, see To take an online spatial hydrology course, see Web Links