CZECHINVEST Investment and Business Development Agency Doing business in the USA, February 5 th, 2015
CzechInvest to support foreign direct investment CzechInvest is exclusively authorized to file applications for investment incentives at the competent governing bodies and prepares draft offers to grant investment incentives. Support for suppliers – administration of a database of Czech supplier firms to develop local companies & implement business-development programs CzechInvest as an intermediary between the EU and SME in implementing structural funds in Czech Republic to improve the business environment e.g. Development of Clusters, Regeneration of Brownfields All of CzechInvest’s services are free of charge
Support of Start-ups by CzechInvest Seed / Start-up Companies Start-up / Early Stage Companies Czech Tech Pitch Day CzechLink Start Czech ICT Silicon Valley in cooperation with
CzechEkoSystem Target Support of innovative Start-ups through granting of specific consultancy: Coaching – major element based on transferring „business know-how“ of the Coach gained by personal experiences. Consultancy services – complete advisory in field of finance, law, management, HR etc. (in cooperation with Deloitte) Assistance with seeking out Capital for financing further company development (venture-capital funds, business angels) Applicant SME - must be a business entity with its registered office or operations in the Czech Republic may not have its registered office in Prague age up to 5 years
CzechEkoSystem Start – November 2011 Termination – July 2015 Number of calls – 3 Received applications (total) – 245 Supported applications (total) – 115 Database over 140 mentors and advisors Support range: Coaching – up to ,- CZK (100%) / $ 20K Consultancy services – up to ,- CZK/ $ 80K(co-finaced by 20%) Statistics:
CzechAccelerator Pilot phase 10 companies 2011 Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation Silicon ValleyBoston6 companies 2012 Singapore Switzerland Israel 2015/2016 CzechAccelerator 2.0
CzechAccelerator Destinations Silicon Valley Boston Singapore Israel Switzerland
CzechAccelerator Destinations Silicon Valley Boston 16 companies3 partnerships 15 companies11 partnerships 157 events 245 events
CzechAccelerator The applicant: ▬ must be an SME ▬ must possess an innovative product ▬ must have strong interest and motivation to penetrate international markets Applicants Participants ▬the product’s potential for commercial use and for a technology partner ▬the product’s level of technological development, attractiveness and innovativeness ▬feasibility of the product ▬quality of the applicant’s working team ▬relevance of utilisation in the accelerator Evaluation committee Life scienceNanotechnology Precision engineering BiotechnologyClean tech ICT Medtech
CzechAccelerator What do we offer? 10 Office space Networking events Mentoring, coaching, advisory services Free use of office space up to 6 months Easy access to potential strategic partners The opportunity to participate in regular networking events, conferences and seminars The protection of intellectual property rights The access to consulting services in the area of legal, marketing and HR issues, financial strategies and business development Familiarization with the local business environment The contribution for travel costs 50 % 100 % 50 %
11 42 participants > 1,700 hrs of mentoring 35 concluded partnerships or agreements on cooperation 95 applicants Hundreds of networking events attended … and more Total costs = CZK 24 milion 6 calls CzechAccelerator Summary of the project
CzechAccelerator's Graduates
Czech Tech Pitch Day May, 2013 Boston 8 companies CzechLink Start Launched Q Assistance with seeking out Capital for financing further company development Connect start-ups with corporate venture- capital funds or business angels Preparing start-up Pitch Deck
Czech ICT Silicon Valley Organized by Partners: Rockaway, & CzechInvest; J&T Ventures, Microsoft, Wayra etc. 1st call Final decision yesterday in Wayra Applicant solid team with minimum 1 Czech co-founder OR company registered in the Czech Republic business in software/mobile app/hardware/e-commerce special category: IDEA stage start-ups with high level of innovation Support (100 % financed by Czech ICT Alliance) 3-4 months stay in business incubator located in San Francisco Mentoring, on-site support (overview in Silicon Valley) Contribution to access to networking events
„The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing“ Walt Disney Ms. Marketa Havlova Head of Internationalization of SME Section Investment and Business Development Agency – CzechInvest Stepanska 15, , Prague 2, Czech Republic ;